Monday, June 15, 2009

June 12...

Hey Moms and Dads,
Well one day before our first set of kampers leaves to head back to you all! We find ourselves so sad and feeling like it flew by but I'm sure you all are just dying to see their faces! Here is the day for you.

Verse: Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Morning: Last morning of Karnival practice to put the dance, carnival games, and skits together for a old fashion carnival! It's so fun to watch your girls plan this and put it on!

Afternoon: The girls got their kamp "jewelry" today. Once kids start coming for 3 years they each year get a little gift from kamp. Different charms for necklaces, bags, rings, watches...some great stuff. The most favorite is the year 7 "I'm 3rd" ring. The afternoon was a fun bonding day with their cabins as we had some heavy rain. So the 13 day gals packed up and hung out and our 25 day kiddos hung out with their cabins for a fun, relaxing afternoon.

Night: The girls put on the Karnival for the boys. Both tribes did awesome but I believe the Kickapoos pulled out the win. (I forgot to mention it's a competition between Kiowas and Kickapoos). Delaney Ozmun is the Princess this term for Kickapoos and both gals did a great job!

Night: We also had our 13 day vespers. Vespers are a time of encouragement for families from Joe and we also show the 13 day video that our precious videographer puts together for the term. Don't worry you will get one this year!

Some of you will be arriving tomorrow...that's crazy! But see ya then!

Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins

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