Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Robbins' Farmhouse...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Well, we aren't moving and no, I don't own a farm but today I thought I would tell you a dream. I have a dream (cue MLK speech) of owning a farm. Not necessarily like cattle ranch or pig farm but land, tractors, hay, chickens, trees and a simple house on all of it.

The dream is truly deep seeded in my heart; not because I grew up on a farm or for that matter no anything about farming. But because I love the life of farming. It's simple, pure, and free. I want my littles to run outside to get eggs and play outside with all their freedom more than play connected to cords. I want my littles to let their imagination to take them to worlds unknown as they climb trees and swing on saddles.

Will this dream ever come true? I don't know but I believe dreams are sometimes our most deepest desires that the Lord wants to hear about. So me and Jesus talk lots about our farm...

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Monday, January 28, 2013

It's NOT a bad life...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Just wanted to remind you of this today...

It's just a bad day...not a bad life...

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins


Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Oh Innocence...the sweet precious grown up teenager in the picture above is proof that teenage girls still can have innocence coupled with grace, real maturity, and precious humility. Today as I scanned some pictures I came across this one and it made me double take because for me her eyes say it all. They still say innocence. I pray this quality over my 2 littles. That my 2 littles (girls) would keep a look of innocence and not just purity of body but purity of spirit and thoughts. Don't misplace that I am praying for naivety. I pray they see the world for what it is and are aware of their surroundings but I pray for a pure innocence in their eyes.

You can be a teenage girl and not have to have the word "sassy" as your middle name during the years of 12-17. Innocence...hang on to it.

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

p.s. Sorry Trish and Shayla...I knew Shayla would not let me do this so I am choosing the path of not asking and ask for forgiveness later....hehe!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Is Facebook still Cool?...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Okay, maybe by me even having to ask is my answer but I will ask anyways. Girls, is Facebook out? Am I that far behind? I am truly fighting social media with all my heart (I realize the irony as I type this post on a social media outlet: blogging). I just fear so much that it is/has creating/created a generation that doesn't know how to sit with people...real people and talk and share their heart. A generation that has no boundaries with the millions on the World Wide Web...yes, I just typed out what "www" stands for. I just fear all of it...hence, the twitter has not taken over my life...nor did Facebook ever.

So recently I am hearing from girlfriends that Facebook is out and Twitter and Instagram is in. Here are reasons I don't have Instagram/Twitter:
1. Who wants to see pictures of my day to day...I am laughing imaging taking a picture of the little guys poopy cloth diaper and me spraying it out over the toilet...who in the world wants to see that?
2. Do I have to attach a phone to my hip all
3. I am not that funny to tweet. There is pressure to be funny or relevant...too much pressure.
4. Twitter doesn't mean you know the person.
5. I feel too littles, my life, it just feels to exposed.

So tell me do I need to ditch Facebook? Let's be honest I am probably at 4 people reading this little blog....oh, no blogger is so out too? C'mon people nobody told me...gee whiz! Oh, well! Haha!

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life is Hard...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends, 
My heart is aching as I just read this poem by a blog I stumbled upon. I don't endorse her blog or her beliefs but the poem was beautiful and real and raw. It made me think of teens...the world that is encircling you. 

PARENTS: the number one things our kampers said on what they wish their parents knew was "IT'S HARD being a teenager." The second thing was "I am not perfect / There is so much pressure."

We have to start listening to you girls. You have to start talking and talking real and upfront. You have to start seeing YOU with all the wonderful elements that Your Creator put just in YOU to be YOU. 

it's hard to forget what others think and go after your dreams
it's hard to make your own opportunities
it's hard to let someone know how you really feel
it's hard to do the right thing when everyone around you isn't
it's hard to look in the mirror and like what you see
it's hard not to let negative comments fill your thoughts
it's hard to be the bigger person
it's hard to forgive
it's hard to smile at a total stranger
it's hard to be someone's friend, when you know they could careless
it's hard to be nice to someone who never returns the favor
it's hard to be yourself
it's hard to let things go
it's hard to fail
it's hard to hold your head high while others judge you
it's hard to always do the right thing
it's hard to wake up positive
it's hard not to judge others
it's hard not to gossip
it's hard to not let pride sink in
it's hard to help others when you could be doing something for yourself
it's hard to always do your best
it's hard being a teenager
it's hard to look and really see
it's hard not to yell and scream
it's hard not to swear
it's hard when your best isn't good enough

but when it all comes down to it; it's just hard

 being yourself.
Be awesome & Love Jesus, 
kanakuk ashley robbins

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Well the above picture says it all...honestly, be patient. Maybe someday! Haha!

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Sunday, January 20, 2013

You are Cool...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Well, today (this might be a series of posts or I might forget my fun name for it and it will be a one time deal) is Pinterest Pretties...Pretty sayings/quotes I found from Pinterest. Super fun!

Today's is easy and just true...YOU ARE COOL. Don't forget that in a world that continues to say you are not enough and never can be enough. You are cool!

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Friday, January 18, 2013

Peer Pressure...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Oh, peer pressure...I just found myself letting out a very long sigh as I even typed the words. Peer pressure is not new, but heavier. It's not surprising, yet still makes me sweat when I utter the words. It's the hardest things in the hallways of high schools, yet we all mask like it's not a big deal.

I recently read through a survey that K2 did with some of our kampers. It was very eye opening and this word popped out hundreds of times when ask what the hardest thing in high school is. Peer pressure. 2 words that bring you guys to your knees in life. Whether that be passed out from drinking due to peer pressure or on your knees to the Lord asking for courage or on you knees at our parents lap begging to be grounded so that can be your excuse not to go to the party.

I think as I thought what is my angle with you girls with peer pressure is simply...don't be afraid. Oh sweet girls, young women, every day you have influences and those influences in high school seem like the loudest voices echoed by like 5 million. You feel like if you don't drink you are doomed for the empty table of loners. Or maybe you are the loner. Either way you my sweet, talented, beautiful young lady are more than peer pressure. Your voice, your thoughts and your heart are more than any peer pressure. You just have to believe that part...and your voice becomes much louder than others telling you how to be you, how to be cool or how to live. Your voice (prayerfully seeking the Lord's voice) becomes strong, confident and is not afraid. Don't be afraid to stand up. Don't be afraid to say no. Don't be afraid to be alone. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid! This world needs YOU to be the whole of who God has made you to be.

You're going to make it...don't be afraid my strong, confident and lovely sweet girl!

Be awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

K2 App...


Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Some of you may have already found out about this but this is the K2 Family app. It helps you stay connected and there are tons of little devos from the Adam Donyes, Brian Wang (old leadership guy) and the K2 Directors too! I'm supposed to have a few on there but I'm a bit nervous to do them. I promise Tanya Beardsley and I will record them soon. I'm sure they will be life changing...haha! Below is how to get it. 

ATTENTION Smart Phone Users!!! We have created an App for our K2 family. Search “The Link Year” App on Android and Apple markets for encouraging, Gospel centered content. There are many kinds of content including Podcasts from this summer and our featured content titled the “K2 Minute”. The “K2 Minute” segments are 60 sec Biblical encouragements on Today’s hot topics from the K2 Director team.

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Monday, January 14, 2013

Vaca is Over...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Well, vaca was over a week ago but then the hubs went to Atlanta for Passsion/Speak at a school and so I was home with the 3 littles. Needless to say, computer time is somewhat of a challenge to get to.

But I'm back and the deep, theological posts will return...who am I kidding, they were never deep? The fun, random posts will return.

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins