Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
Well, I feel like sometimes I have a soap box on Social Media and the Effects of "Shallowing" the next generation...and by sometimes I mean I could go off about it all the time.
I am not a hater at all...hence you are reading this on a blog where you possibly clicked over from Facebook. I am a moderation, healthy user of it. My biggest fear each summer is more and more I am seeing teenage girls, YOU, not able to have healthy face to face interaction with your peers or older adults. You overshare through a keyboard but can't have a polite conversation to your elder. You twitter your opinions and heart but yet can't look someone in the eye to TALK to them.
I will always fight this. I don't want facebook to be over or twitter to be gone...I just don't want to have a generation of youth that can't or doesn't know how to function without feeling like their life is a real TV show and they are the STAR. You aren't.
So today check your heart when you add a picture of yourself in a bikini...why? Check your healthy radar of social media when you are spending more time on twitter than you are on homework or being outside? Realize that something could be a bit off if all during dinner at your home there are beeps, dings, rings and tweet sounds that distract from a dinner table where America was built.
Side note: mommas and daddies create "cell phone free zone" at your house...do it! Maybe for you too...
Social media is not bad...but is it creating something in us that is?
Be awesome & Love Jesus,
kanakuk ashley robbins