Thursday, April 11, 2013

Who is Ready for Kamp...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
The picture might be weird to some but to most of us Kamp girls we LOVE our Nike Tempos at K2! Now over the years I have tried other shorts and liked them but I must admit my drawers are still mostly filled with the good ole Tempos! I loved last season at the outlet they had some shorts that had spandex lined into them and I'm kind of obsessed with them also...kind of kicked myself I didn't buy them in every color when they were there as I haven't seen them since...but they were just plain colors with a different shade of spandex! Awesome for Triathlete Abdomination time!

But all in all I am still a tempo girl...just scored a pair for $9 the other day from the Outlet! Holler, bargain shopper!

Get the tempos out (or any other shorts for kamp!)...kamp is coming!

Be awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

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