Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Well, it's been a great day! I love changeovers as they are a day of new energy and new faces and new hearts to love and encourage for 14 days! The 28 Night kampers headed out for an all day adventure and so I will be giving you their details. The 14 Night gals that just arrived don't have many details but will give you them too. After today (and a bit of tomorrow) all the kampers will be on the same schedule.

28 Nighters (monthers):
They loaded up on buses and went to Branson for bowling, hanging out at our family kamp (K-Kauai), eating lots of yummy-ness and just hanging out. They all had a blast!

14 Nighters (2-weekers and just arrived today):
They arrived on jet skis/boats and met their counselors and cabin mates.

We had dinner...(I'm literally telling each detail was spaghetti night)
We had social...
We had K-LIFE TONIGHT! Adam Donyes shared tonight. Again I was in the office with Debbie Jo working on scheduling stuff. Woohoo! Details :)!

We are so excited to have new faces in K2 and please email me if I can do anything for you!

Window to their World, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Welcome Term 3 14 Night Parents...


Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents (you guys will be Term 23B is what we call you because it's Term 3 for 14 nighters but terms 2 and 3 for our 28 nighters)

Welcome to the K2 GIRLS SIDE blog! I am so excited to share a small window into the girls' side of K2 and let you all know (in real time, as opposed to very slow snail mail) what is going on at this place. Some things you should know:

1. My grammar is awful. My mom is an english teacher and I am her biggest failure! Haha! But seriously! I type like I speak it.
2. This is only a window. It is very structured so it is something I have time to do each day while still being fully focused at kamp and kampers and not a computer screen.
3. There is no way I can upload a picture of every kamper. I pick 5 pictures a day that are "pictures" to exemplify the day the best. Please forgive me if I repeat certain people...please forgive!
4. Email me anytime you have any questions.

I start tomorrow with letting you know the rundown of the day! Feel free to pass KanakukAshley on to your friends and family who might want to know what all your daughter is up to too...
Window to their World, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

Thursday, June 28, 2012

14 Nighters Term 2 Closing Ceremonies...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
This closing ceremony information is only for the Term 2 kids (Term: June 16-June 30)...Here ya go...

Friday, June 29
7:00 pm Parent Vespers at Church (we will have folks leading you to the church. your kamper will be finishing Karnival)

8:15 pm Awards Ceremony

9:30 pm Camper Recognition (this is when you huddle with just your daughter's cabin to hear the qualities that the counselors saw in her.

10:00 pm Goodbye!

We have nothing on Saturday morning except you can pick up your child's luggage at 8:15 am and then you get your girl! So Saturday is nothing...just byes!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 28...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Well, you (well 14Night parents) start arriving tomorrow weird that the term is already done/half way over...time flies at kamp. I am going to go through the day and then put a post up about closings for just the 14 nighters (Term 2 is what you all are technically)...

Devo: Esther 6:1-14
Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:20-21

Morning: The girls are all split into their tribes and working on the Karnival. Karnival is a long standing tradition where the girls put on a "carnival" for the guys side of kamp. It's so fun. They make banners based on the theme their princess picked out and then have games and prizes based on the theme the girls picked out too. They make up precious dances that everyone in the tribe is involved with and the girls works hard but they LOVE performing it!

Afternoon: normal afternoon of classes.

Trip: none for girls.
Treetops: cabins 7 and 8.

Night: Tonight is a big night for our 14 nighters. We call this night our CrossTalk night. We always have a night in kamp where we lay out the gospel of Jesus. Tonight we will be focusing on the Passover. My hubs will be giving a short explanation of the 1st passover and then we will lead them through the fact that Jesus was/is our Passover lamb. Joe will then do the crucificition reenactment and then we have built a huge doorpost to visibly show that Jesus is our Lamb that brings us from no hope to HOPE...from worldly love to unconditional love. Please pray for your daughter's hearts...especially if you are praying for your daughter to come to know a relationship with Jesus or maybe to remember what that relationship is and what it means in her daily life. Thank you for your prayers!

For our 28 nighters who have CrossTalk later this month we are having a praise and worship night in our chaple. It's always a favorite night for them as our worship (music) is just amazing. Hearts are so free here and kids love to see other kids unashamed to worship Jesus. It's awesome!

Thanks for your prayers! 14Night parents I am going to post right now about closings...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 26 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Here are pics from June 26th...the Wild, Wild West Party!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 27...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Wow! I'm back and it's crazy around here! I cannot believe it's the 2 weeker changeover starting tomorrow night...can't wait to see each of you!

Devo: Esther 5
Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 10:5

Morning: POD DAY! Refer to June 20 if you aren't sure what POD days are...basically POD days = amazingness! (is that a word?)

Afternoon: Afternoon POD day.

Trips: none.
Treetops: cabin 1 and 2.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Dr. Joe White spoke on Purity. It's always an amazing night and we just always pray for true true hearts to know their value and worth is in Jesus. It's a good night across the board from gals that have walked through some sad/hard stuff to the girls who just need to remember that walking in purity is SO WORTH IT. We speak of hope and forgiveness and encourage all of them!

These 2 days are a bit cray-cray with lots going on...pray :)!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
What a glorious day! Seriously! It has been one of those days where I truly stand back HUMBLED to get to work at this place...lives and hearts are changing and it's amazing!

Devo: Esther 5:1-14
Verse of the Day: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Morning: normal morning of periods 1-3.

Afternoon: normal afternoon of classes.

Trips: Cabin 19 and 20 girls come back tonight (usually they would have stayed the night but we have a party and POD day tomorrow which we like everyone back in kamp for)

Treetops: cabins 5 and 6.

Night: PARTY! Yeehaw!! It's our Wild, Wild West Party tonight. Honestly I missed this party last time due to time off and am actually leaving tonight again so I'm not 100% what all they do...I know it involves 2 steppin', Joe White teaching some line dances, root beer, cobbler, and some good ole country music!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 25...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Here is the details of the day for you...(sorry I'm a day behind)

Devo: Joel 2:12
Verse of the Day: Ephesians 1:11

Morning: Normal morning classes.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon classes.

Trips: Cabins 19 and 20 girls headed out for 2 nights at K-Wet.
Treetops: no treetops.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT!! Adam Donyes was our speaker tonight. He is a leadership guy and just recently became a daddy! I wasn't in there listening as I was scheduling our staff for the next day but I'm sure it was amazing.

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 23 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Here are some great shots from the day and the party that night.

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 24...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
So sorry I'm a bit late in posting is the download.

Devo: Esther 4:1-7
Verse of the Day: Jeremiah 29:11

Morning: It's Sunday! That means sleeping in and coffee cake and then church. We had 2 staff speakers and it was so awesome!! They both spoke on how great and awesome the impact of the cross is. The guy speaker also spoke on what Sovereignty is and how it affects their everyday life.

Afternoon: We had the continuation of our K2: YOU DECIDE party and it was a blast. Each candidate announced their "vice president" and it was once again hysterical! We then headed to stations that each candidate came up with and it was a blast.

Treetops: none.
Trips: none.

Night: PARTY!  K2-You Decide! We had all american games and an awecrepic dance party! Seriously! It was amazing! We had a balloon drop for the winner of the election! Fletch "Fist Pump" Ferguson was the winner. He was a hysterical character!

Okay, running to lunch...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Goodness, it's great to be back! Being away from kamp is so good for our family but I do miss this chaotic, awesome place! Here is the day's details...

Devo: 1 Samuel 28:18-19
Verse of the Day: Joshua 1:9

Morning: Normal morning of periods 1-3.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of periods 4-6.

Treetops: Cabins 11-12.
Trips: Cabins 17 and 18 gals are still at K-Wet for 1 more night.

Night: K2-YOU DECIDE PARTY! This party is awecrepic (awesome + crazy + epic = awecrepic). It basically last a full 30 hours (we sleep in between those hours just so you aren't worried :)...We start this party tomorrow night and it goes till Monday night! It's awesome! We have 5-6 goofy "candidates that have no connection to any real government or political associations. They run on platforms like coffee cake every day or Dr. Pepper coming out of the water fountains all around kamp. It's hysterical! We do embrace lots of red, white and blue this day but that's about the only connection to USA politics. We have "voting" to see which candidate wins and a big balloon drop when the winner is announced! It's just awesome! Oh, goodness, I just gave away tomorrow night (June 24)...Oh, you are a day ahead now :)...tonight was just the "debate" of the candidate and a big dance party where each candidate gets to pick 2 songs to dance too! K2 dance parties are the best!

Sure am loving this term. The Lord is continually reminding me that only He can fill our hearts. Only He can make us see our worth and value. Oh for girls this is such a battle and I know you guys as parents/grandparents are fighting with us by praying for your daughters this term to be loved and encouraged...that is our prayer. That they would see Jesus each day in this place. So very thankful for each of you as parents!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22 in Pictures...

 Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
I promise I am going to bed now...haha!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 21 in Pictures...

 Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Well, before I hit the hay for the night I just had to get these super cute pics up for you guys!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 22...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Well I'm out of kamp today but still wanted to get you the lowdown of the day! So enjoy!

Devo: Esther 3:1-15
Verse of the Day: Matthew 5:44

Morning: Normal morning of classes 1-3.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of classes 4-6.

Treetops: Cabins 13 and 14.
Trips: Cabins 17 and 18 are off to K-Wet for 2 nights.

Night: K-LIFE! Adam Donyes is speaking and I'm sorry I have no idea what his message is on but I'm sure it's great. SHAY ROBBINS, the men's director AND best hubby and daddy in the world, spoke tonight. His message was titled RUN. It was powerful, passionate and challenging! It was amazing! K-Life is just always a powerful night in hearts of these teenagers around here. Please pray for softened hearts in your daughters so that they know the christian leader that the Lord has so purposefully planned for them to be.

Pictures to come soon!
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Well, it started with a little rays of liquid sunshine this morning but it cleared off and it's beautiful!!!! Here is the run down...

Devo: Esther 2:15-23
Verse of the Day: Luke 2:52

Morning: Normal morning of 1-3 periods.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of 4-6 periods.

Treetops: None.
Trips: Girls cabin 5 & 6 took off today for K-Wet.

Night: TRIBAL NIGHT! This night is when they split up as Kiowas and Kickapoos and get ready for Karnival. Karnival is a long standing tradition of the girls side setting up a "carnival" for the boys side of kamp. The girls' prep might not be their favorite all time ever but they love the actual Karnival night for the guys. They make banners, games, prizes and do a dance. It's awesome!

Sure hope you all are doing well. The girls side staff has been praying for mighty things for these kids and this staff is so phenomenal!
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

June 19 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Here are some great and goofy shots from the day and Warball night.

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins