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Today is quite the different day! The girls are getting ready for KARNIVAL, which is this longstanding tradition that the Kiowas and Kickapoos put on a karnival and dance routine for the guys' side of K2. It's so much fun and the girls have a blast performing it!
Devo: Ephesians...Unity in the Body of Christ.
Morning. Instead of their classes all the girls split into their tribes and work on Karnival during the morning time. There are groups dancing, painting banners, working on the carnival games. It's a fun day of just fellowship with the kiddos and their tribes.
Afternoon: We have 2 hours of specialty during the afternoon since we didn't get to meet during the morning. It's a blast and gives the 14 night gals one last specialty time.
Treetops: Girls cabins 7&8 are on treetops this morning.
Night: This night we actually are trying something new. We are going to split the kampers and have the 28 night kids have a worship K-Life. Basically just praising, singing the whole time. The 14 night kampers are going to have CrossTalk. Crosstalk is usually just done 1 time per 28 night term. So we are doing it both 2 weeks so that every group of 2 weekers can see CrossTalk. The hubs and guys team has put together a great night that prayerfully will be a night to point the 14 nighters to the CROSS and to Jesus' love for each of them. He is going to have 6 folks share their story and their point of brokeness when they surrendered their hearts to Jesus. They will all have a piece of cardboard (this idea was from a church that did "carboard testimonies") and the speaker will flip their cardboard to show how the Lord has redeemed them. REDEMPTION is the theme of CrossTalk this year. Please pray for your sweet girl if her heart doesn't quite see a need for a Savior. Prayerfully tonight she will see and feel that need...
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins