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What a day! I just got done having an unbelievealbe God moment with a precious gal. This gal is so hurting from the lack of any great, godly friends in her life. She was so precious as we talked and she finally let down some walls and beginning to see freedom and not angry...GOODNESS, my heart feels so humbled that the Lord uses this crazy kamp to do anything of value! So thankful for you all!
Devo: 1 Corinthians...The Race for the Crown.
Morning: Normal morning periods 1-3. No cabins were on treetops.
Afternoon: Normal morning periods 4-6.
Trip: Cabins 17 and 18 are headed out to KWet. They left this morning and get to spend a couple days doing awesome stuff. I am praying for great cabin bonding and lots of laughter and memories.
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Woohooo! One of the leadership guys named Adam spoke tonight about Fingerprints tonight. Whose fingerprints are on your heart, on your cell phone, internet, home? The enemy works hard to put fingerprints in our hearts and lives and the Lord and His Word is so powerful to remove all those fingerprints that aren't of the Lord.
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins
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