Thursday, February 26, 2009
What if...
Wow...what if we showed the world the unconditional love of God instead of talking in our christian protected bubbles about how much that world needs it?
"I hope it gave them hope."
"Having all that love, it just rose my spirits up."
Change can happen,
A. Robbins
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Follow Me (to the right)...
I guess there is this cool new deal called "Followers" that you can have for your blog if you are on Facebook. You can also follow by linking to my post through google, etc. So I added it...see to the right of this post. I just like it b/c then as I see names/pictures I really do pray for names I see as I manage this crazy blog! anyways, so join if you want...Thanks!!!
Being a follower is cool in this situation,
A. Robbins
I'll be in Springfield Saturday...

Saturday, February 21, 2009
That Girl...

Thursday, February 19, 2009
I HAVE NOT seen HSM3...
Yikes, this could cause some of you to gasp for oxygen, spit your coke at the computer screen, and scream...."Noooooo." Ya'll I don't know what happened or how it happened but I still have not seen HSM3. I know that you all thought Sharpay was basically me from my rendition of her in K2 Musical...but alas, I have fallen in my High School Musical obsession by not seeing HSM3 in theatres...and I have fallen again by not rushing out today (on the release date of the DVD) to go buy the extended version.
No fears, I'm going to try and go buy it next week. Shay and I are out of town in HOUSTON (Houston friends, he is speaking at a church on Sunday...COME) and so I'll have to wait till next week. I really can't wait! I already purchased the album on iTunes...and you wanna know a secret. I'm totally in love with the song "Can I have this Dance?" Ashley Robbins now equals weird, dorky girl! I'm 28 and I love HSM 1, 2, & 3! Oh, well, I might as well be real about it!
This blog post is random...just all I could think of today!
Oh, yeah, I chopped like 8-10 inches of my hair...i guess that's news! I have to go ahead and tell you I did not do Locks of Love, only out of ignorance. I didn't realize that was how much was coming off. I just thought it would be like 4-5 inches. Anyways, I'll try to get a pic up soon...
HSM Forever!
A. Robbins
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Kristolyn Lloyd's on NBC Thursday...

Kristolyn Lloyd
Our very own K2 counselor, is going to be on
ER this Thursday (Feb 19) at 10 pm (or it might be 9 pm for you depending on where you live).
All she will tell me is that she plays Angela Bassett's daughter! Woohoo!
Here are some pics on the set of ER and of Kristolyn from K2 08.

Dads/Moms, You gotta talk about SEX...

Ages 5 and under:
As a general rule, most sex education in the early years (5 and under) will be a result of questions stemming from standard curiosity about anatomy and male/female differences. Be honest with your daughter and keep it brief. Make sure that you express the facts with confidence and commend her for her inquisitiveness.
Ages 6-11:
Once your daughter enters grammar school, it is possible that she will be exposed at some level to more sensitive topics related to sex. All it takes is just one student on the playground who has been exposed to information about sex that is inappropriate and voila, your child’s innocence can be robbed. Many children in this age range do not feel comfortable talking to their parents about what they may have heard, so it’s of critical importance to sit down with your daughter and have a general conversation with her for the purpose of encouraging open communication. For example, you might say, “Honey, sometimes there might be kids in your class or at school who say things that may confuse you. Remember, you can talk to me about anything at all, okay?”
My own daughter was ten years old and in the fifth grade when she asked where babies come from and said, “Tell me the truth.” So, I did. I kept it very simple and explained the basics of sex and God’s intent for sex to be between a husband and his wife. I also told her that sometimes people don’t follow God’s rules and she will probably hear about that in the years to come. I told her that we would talk more about body development later in the year and throughout her middle school years. (Note: If you daughter is an early bloomer, you will need to have this conversation earlier.)
Ages 12 and up:
By the time your daughter enters middle school, she should have the basics of body development down and even if she’s not developing at the rate of her peers, she should be aware of changes to come. During these years, it is of critical importance that you come up with a solid plan to educate her about sex and issues related to sex. Again, these will be ongoing conversations, so don’t bombard her with too much information, too soon. However, by the time she enters high school, you should have addressed all the benefits of waiting and the consequences that may occur from not waiting. My personal philosophy is that by middle school, all topics related to sex are fair game. Again, this doesn’t mean you dump all the information contained in this conversation on her in the 6th grade. Use discernment and spread out the facts over her middle school years, trying to touch on each one covered in Conversation #3.
The high school years should be the review years. You should have already built a foundation of facts in her middle school years and now is the time to step it up and remind her of those facts. Ages 15-17 are some of the most difficult years in a girl’s life and she will be bombarded with misinformation regarding sex. Don’t wait for your daughter to come to you in these years. Again, come up with a plan whether it’s an annual weekend get-away or a standing coffee date every 2-4 weeks. If you’re uncomfortable having conversations with her related to sex, be honest and tell her. Tell her that it’s difficult for you, but that your motive is to equip her with God’s standard for sex.
Take advantage of teachable moments that occur in everyday life where sex is not presented according to God’s standard (which, by the way, is the way it is presented by media the majority of the time). For example, if you read a news story related to STD’s and a possible link to infertility on down the road, take advantage and share it with your daughter. When I heard the above news, I told my daughter, “How sad is that that so many girls your age are listening to the culture and believing that sex is no big deal. Do you think they might think twice if they knew that their decision might leave them with an STD that goes undetected over the years and someday, leaves them unable to have children?” It seemed to help my daughter connect the dots between sex and the possible long-term consequences when I would paint a word picture for her and walk the scenario down it’s possible path.
You may have taken notice to the fact that the majority of the criticism related to abstinence only sex education programs is that they don’t offer students enough information. Of course, the critics are referring mainly to a lack of information over birth control options. There is some truth in the statement that students are not being given enough information, but I would argue that the information they are lacking are the facts I have summarized in Conversation #3. Rather than throw condoms and birth control pills at our children, why not give our daughters all the facts regarding sex so they can make fully-informed decisions? Of course, don’t wait on other sources to present the facts covered in Conversation #3 to your daughter. It’s up to you to take a proactive approach and adopt a new, upgraded sex talk—one you will have over and over again through the middle and high school years.
© 2008, Vicki Courtney. Used by Permission. Originally posted at
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Job of a Kanakuk Director...

"Ok so really random!!! but here is like 20 reasons I really want your job lol!!!
1. I love Jesus and your job has a lot of Jesus in it!!
2. I really really like public speaking and I think of speech topics all the time!!!
3. You get to be crazy and yourself all the time
4. You are at Kanakuk!!! the best place on earth
5. You get to have like 500 best friends
6. You get to make peoples world/ day everyday!
7. I love high schoolers and they always have a story to tell!!
8. Its in Branson!!!/Lampe
9. You get to wear costumes to work and I love dressing up!!
10. I love sports!!
11. You can drive boats and blob
12. I can help make 2 weeks or a month the best of someones life!!
13. You get to wear one peice swimsuits!!
14. You get to have an awesome leadership team!!
15. You get to live in really cool cabins!!
16. I really like coming up with crazy ideas and you get to share them with others
17. You get to love on people all day
18. YOu make a huge impact on others lives
19. You get to go to a party like every night in the summer!!
20. You get to eat really really yummy food!!
so that was my randomness of what I was thinking !!! so pretty much you have the coolest job ever and that was all!!!"
This gal could have my job someday...AND SHE WOULD BE AWESOME AT IT!
p.s. anyone else out to steal my job...i'm going to create an excel document! hehe, jk!
p.s.s Please don't anyone think that I am leaving K2. I am not and my job is pretty secure, unless Joe sees pics of Kana-Cupid! JK! :)
Kamp loves ya'll...and so do I!
A. Robbins
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I messed up...
What was I thinking? That is the question that has haunted me today. Last night girls, I should have walked out. Why didn't I? Why couldn't I see that I was placing vile things before my eyes (which is in direct disobedience of Psalm 101:3)? I still am kicking myself and yet, still finding my mind will try to justify that it was okay.
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Well, goodness, this little duck below is what I feel like today...but in a fun way! I have been a total texter, crazy caller, fanatic facebooker, and excited emailer trying to hunt down 200 staff to see if they are coming back to K2 this summer. And naturally, most are!! Wooohoo!!! Trish and I have been running up our minutes and texting limits like mad women! But it's so fun! This means that summer is really really almost here! This next week we go into our "draft." Draft is what we call our hiring process. It's a full week and we go through every single application! It's nuts but oh-so -fun!
We do all the madness so we can get our K2 staff back, basically the best in the whole world, and then hire more unbelievable new gals! It's so fun! You all want my job don't you...yikes, I better pay Trish my paycheck so she doesn't fire me to hire you all! :)
Gotta go text some more,
A. Robbins

Monday, February 2, 2009
I'm in Awe of Young Women Like This...