Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is NOT about gifts....

But I just had to share with all my friends that came to my aid on the Uggs debate....

(from my parents, not my husband ;) he is still firm in his dislike!

I hope each of you had an awesome Christmas! Shay and I have had a great time in Cabot, AR with my family! I will put more pics up soon! Sure miss ya'll! Christmas always makes me think...okay, now K2 Summer 2009 is half-way here! 

Happy New Year,
a. robbins

above pic: me with my uggs, new coffee mug (well, hot cocoa and tea b/c I hate coffee), and NYC knock off purses (my mom got them in NY for fakes!). 

Monday, December 22, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things (CHRISTMAS edition)...

1. Christmas Lights...color ones, white ones, tacky ones, and bright ones.
2. Christmas family grew up with 2 trees. 1 for the adult room with white lights, etc and the 2nd tree for the kids with color lights and all the coolest ornaments.
3. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
4. Matching Christmas PJ's. (disclaimer: the family below are people I do not know but just found on google images.)
5. Stockings hung over the fireplace. My stockings were always stuffed with FRUIT! Wooohoo!
6. I STILL BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUSE. Okay, I don't as far as like for real, but I do as far as just for fun thoughts! (did that make sense at all?)
7. Fireplaces with real wood. I love love love fire! (that sentence sounds like I'm a pyro when said all by itself)
8. Hot Cocoa!!! Yummy yummy yummy!!!!!
9. Christmas Movies...all time favs for me are Miracle on 34th Street and oh, who am I kidding I can't pick favorites!
10. Wrapping Presents...okay, not that we have tons of presents but I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE (ahh, that made me think of Kanacupid) wrapping stuff. I always ask all my friends if they need me to wrap gifts for them. i love it!
11. Those fun stocking caps that pull over your ears and have little balls at the end (this pic is not a great one of the type of hat I'm envisioning in my head).

12. Nativity Scenes...I love seeing all the nativity scenes of Christmas. I know some are tacky and cheesy and "geographically" wrong (people get all up in arms cuz they put wise men in the nativity and they didn't come until picky :) but I love them. The Willow Tree nativity is my favorite and i love how each time it amazes me that the God of the Universe sent his son as a tiny baby to earth. I always think about Mary and how scared she must have been yet in scripture she says "I am the Lord's servant...may it be to me as you have said." She had such abandoned trust in the God of Israel. Why can't I have trust like that...even in the small things I sometimes struggle?

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Visitor Outside my Window...

I was working away in my office today and I hear a tap at my window and to my surprise it's my husband on JUMPING STILTS! This was Shay's Christmas present from me and today he wanted to "practice." So right now Shay Robbins is out bouncing around on these things all around the Kanakuk business and director's offices. HYSTERICAL!
Shay outside my window in the offices...Shay posing for a pic on his new stilts...Shay bouncing away to keep practicing. He wants to be able to jump cars and do backflips in them. Well, I guess, if we ever get fired from Kamp, Shay can get a job at Silver Dollar City or Disneyworld as a jumping acrobatic person-thingy-majig.


My Branson Small Groups...

Hey Friends,
Well, I have some pics I have been meaning to post. I have a 6th grade small group and a 7th grade small group and they are both filled with incredible girls! In the 6th grade group we are studying the women of the Bible. We have done Mary (mother of Jesus) and Hannah (my all time fav woman in the Bible). Then in the 7th grade group we are studying the book of Philippians. It's been so awesome! I'm telling you all there is nothing better than pouring out and living your life in front of others. It's unbelievable for accountability and they teach me so much! Anyways, here are some pics from our Christmas adventures...

Here is some of my 6th grade friends after watching "BOLT." Which by the way is such a cute movie!

This is the 7th grade gals. I lead this with Katie Hurst, the Branson K-Life gal. I have had these girls for 2 years. We had a Christmas PJ I, of course, wore a yellow sweatshirt with a donkey/mule on it...why not?? :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rethinking Christmas...

Will Christmas look different to you/your family this year? Such a convicting video for me. Was it for you? If so, do something about it...

Change can happen, A. Robbins

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sexting? A new Trend...

A new article just got released by USA Today surveying over 1,2oo teens about cell phone/picture usage. There were some pretty startling results...

About a third of young adults 20-26 and 20% of teens say they've sent or posted naked or semi-naked photos or videos of themselves, mostly to be "fun or flirtatious," a survey finds.

A third of teen boys and 40% of young men say they've seen nude or semi-nude images sent to someone else; about a quarter of teen girls and young adult women have. And 39% of teens and 59% of those ages 20-26 say they've sent suggestive text messages.
I must admit I myself am stunned by some of these percentages (not surprised, but stunned...not even sure there is a difference but I don't feel "surprised." You have seen it with Miley and Vanessa...2 Disney Princesses) because honestly that means a lot of you, K2 kampers, "good kids," have been involved in texting pictures or words that in no way stand for purity in your life. Experts are now calling this "new trend"..."sexting." Girls, I cannot implore you enough of how scary this is. I am not a mom, but as a future one, and as an "older sister" to so many of you, I get sick just thinking about some of the words, messages, implications you are sending through sexting.

Okay, let me breathe, obviously, not all of you are doing this...and as parents prayerfully read this I pray you all GET INVOLVED and please, oh, please don't be naive to think "my little girl would never do this." I mean think back to your teenager years...spin the bottle, mooning, skinny dipping, summer might be more techy now a days but please don't think that your daughter would never...the world is fighting so hard for her heart to go against purity in her life. This quote was released from Focus on the Family:

“This report should provide a harsh wake-up call to America’s parents—our children are growing up in a sex-saturated culture and they desperately need our wisdom and guidance. It’s critical that we engage in an ongoing conversation with them about the importance of sexual purity and God’s design for human relationships. If we fail in that responsibility or bury our heads in the sand, our kids’ values and decisions about sex will be shaped by the media and their peers—and the results could be disastrous.” ~Dr. Bill Maier (Vice President, Focus on the Family)

I know, K2 girls, that you might kill me for saying this but parents get to the point where you remember that you own that cell phone. You pay for those minutes and therefore you can block whatever you want to. Texting, picture texting, video texting, etc. Your daughter might absolutely kick and scream...but is your daughter's heart worth a fight. I would say ABSOLUTELY. I am not saying to hole her up in a bubble until you pre-arrange a husband for her (I'm sure some of you all would love that though) but I am saying to be involved and not naive.
Girls...I pray for most of you that you read this and say to yourself and the Lord..."No way would I ever text a message or picture of myself n*de (sorry I don't want p*rn creepers on this blog so I put * so that the words won't pop up on google is someone searches creepy words/phrases) or any message to imply sex stuff to a guy." If you have, please know that I am not condemning you, sweet girl, just know that God still is the "ultimate drycleaner" like we talked about this summer. If you haven't but are really tempted to because your boyfriend wants a picture, please think twice, then keep thinking if the answer that you have come up with isn't a very strong NO. You are a beautiful daughter to the Most High God. You, precious girl, are a princess. So act as such...

I feel as though I have rambled...but for me, through rambling I pray my heart has been seen. Girls, YOU'RE WORTH MORE than the trend of sexting...God promises that!

fighting hard, A. Robbins

Friday, December 12, 2008

Shayla Helsel...

Hey friends,
I wanted to put a post up about K2 most favorite honorary kamper, Shayla Helsel. I'm not sure if you all have all heard Trish share her testimony (amazing, by the way) but Shayla was born as quite the little miracle (okay, I know all babies are miracles but seriously she was like for real!). She has had quite the road since then of surgeries and face reconstruction. Trish has walked through all this with such amazing character as a mom. Shayla and Trish are in Colorado for 2 weeks where Shayla will be recovering and then back home for great Helsel family time! Please be praying for this precious girl! She is such an inspirational girl to so many! She teaches me so much with her unbelievable, child-like faith! Shayla will be back for Christmas so if you want to leave a comment on here I will print it out for her for her to see. WE LOVE YOU SHAYLA!

p.s. The surgery went great and she is doing well!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Background for Christmas...

Girls, Moms, Friends, Random Strangers...Please leave a comment on which background you like the best. I want to change it so it's festive but there are too many backgrounds that are too cute! I could change it everday b/c there are so many cute ones! So please help!

Woohoo! I love CHRISTMAS!

Background #1: "Red Swirlies/Design"
Background #2: "Red Ornaments"
Background #3: "Pink Snowflakes"
Background #4: "Blue/Green Snowman"
Background #5: "Ornaments/Bells"
Background #6: "Let it Snow"
Background #7: "Assorted Snowflakes"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 years going on 90 more...

Well, today 2 years ago I got to marry the coolest, coolest, coolest guy in the world! We have done absolutely nothing today but watched fun movies, sat by a blazing fire (It's Shay's favorite part of Big Cedar), slept in, grilled brats (those hot dog things), and more movies! It's been so great! 

Girls, please know that prayerfully for each of matter your past or present, God loves you so much. He is write now writing your story, your journey. Even when you doubt it...God is faithful! I doubted it so often. When Trish asked me to come work for kamp...I doubted. When my heart was broken by boys...I doubted. When ministry is hard and beats you up...I still can doubt. But seeing this picture alone reminds me to never doubt MY GOD. To never question that He sees the big canvas of my life. HE DOES! 

Love ya'll, A. Rob

* Here are some fun pics from our wedding...2 years ago! Crazy!
Our whole wedding party. Such dear friends...
The Helsel family. Goodness, love them...
Our 2 flower girls and ring bearer. How cute are they...
Some more precious friends. So many kamp faces in this group...
We're married! Girls, do ya'll remember the video? Shay Robbins was like the president! Hi-fives & hoots and hollers...Right before I walked down the aisle...Joe and Shay before they walked in to start the wedding...
All of Shay's guys. This is a crazy group...
Some more precious friends! All of these gals have a kamp connection. Kanakuk is truly so special for kamp friends...

Monday, December 8, 2008

BIG CEDAR here we come...

WOOHOO! We've made it 2 years! Shay and I are headed to Big Cedar (we are obsessed with that place!) I'll have no cell, no computer, basically no modern day technology! Woohoo! I'll miss you all, well, only a little bit cuz I'll be with my hubby and celebrating 2 years of love and laughter! Yipee! I made, and by "I" I actually mean me and Rachel Sparks (KKountry Director), a special cake for our anniversary! It's called Cuatro Leche! It's literally DELICIOUSNESS in your mouth!
(Picture below is not my cake. Just a pic of someone else's cuatro leche cake)I still promise Episode 7 & 8 are coming! I'll get them up when I get back! Off to vaca...

p.s. I think my parents got me a pair of UGGS! (see older post if you are confused!)

Old married gal, Ashley Robbins

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Can't you just see it...

Can't you just see it...Lindsay and Cale back again on the rooftop of the K-dome dancing and singing to each other! I can, that's for sure! Just picture their faces as you watch the video of Zanessa :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WINNERS of Tie-Dye...

Hey Friends,
Well there were some great guesses on the date of Shay and I's wedding but the right answer was:
December 9, 2006
(our 2 year anniversary is coming up! Woohoo!)
There were 3 gals who guessed correctly:

Liz...1st place
ErinFitz...2nd place
Lauren Emily...3rd place

Liz guessed right the first time and was the first person to even comment so Liz I hope you check this again and comment on this post and leave me your full name and address. If you don't want to post for the world to see you can email me your information. Just put in the subject line "I won the Tie-Dye shirt."

ErinFitz and Lauren Emily...You will not walk away empty handed. Please post your full names and mailing addresses (or you can email me too) and I will be sending something your way too!
Ashley Robbin

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Books for YOU...

This is a comment from a mom that I wanted to answer. I am no reading maniac but here are some of my favs. Some are serious, some fiction & fun...hope it helps!

"I wonder if you would consider an addition to your blog that is related to these articles. I would love to see you add an "Ashley's Favorites for Teens Reading List". My daughter and I have an extreme challenge finding wonderful reading material for her. She is 14 and reads at a college level. It seems impossible to find appropriate material, subject matter, etc. She frequently defaults to a younger reading level because she doesn't care to read about the topics that popular culture currently deems appropriate for her age. Hope you can help!(for boys too...mine is 16.) We both love your blog! Thanks for all you do for our kids!!!!"

All Time Favorite Christian Fiction Books:
(2 Covers for Redeeming Love...same book! Incredible. I read this during Finals Week my junior year of college. Needless to say, I did not do so hot that semester on finals...oops!)These are a 3 book series by the same author, Francine Rivers. Trish Helsel introduced me to this series and it is the most challenging book I have ever read outside of the Word. It's about gladiators, love, grace, Roman Empire, etc. It's awesome!This is a 14 book series about the Baxter Family. It is set in Bloomington, IN and when I went to Bloomington on Kanakuk Movie Trail...I wanted to go meet the Baxters. I had to quickly remind myself THEY ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE! The office girls at K2 got hooked on all these books this summer. Books that I Own b/c I know the Message is Good but have Not Read Yet:

Books for PARENTS:
A Book I came across that I want to read:Hope this helps...what if we had a K2 KOMO Book Club?! hehe...jk!

reading impaired, Ashley Robbins