Saturday, July 30, 2011

Term 5 Begins...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/5 Parents,
(You are Term "5" as in the last 2 weeks of summer. When I type each day I will always type to Term 45/5 parents so it's our monthers (which are term 45) and our two weekers which is the slash and 5...make sense? Perfect!)

Welcome to the K2 GIRLS SIDE blog! I am so excited to share a small window into the girls' side of K2 and let you all know (in real time, as opposed to very slow snail mail) what is going on at this place. Some things you should know:
1. My grammar is awful. My mom is an english teacher and I am her biggest failure! Haha! But seriously! I type like I speak it.
2. This is only a window. It is very structured so it is something I have time to do each day while still being fully focused at kamp and kampers and not a computer screen.
3. There is no way I can upload a picture of every kamper. I pick 5 pictures a day that are "pictures" to exemplify the day the best. Please forgive me if I repeat certain people...please forgive!
4. Email me anytime you have any questions.

I start tomorrow with letting you know the rundown of the day! Feel free to pass KanakukAshley on to your friends and family who might want to know what all your daughter is up to too...
Window to their World,  

kanakuk ashley robbins

Friday, July 29, 2011

Goodbye, Hello...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 4 Parents,
I am hoping you all got the post on the schedule and are most likely leaving the gates of K2 now...what a great night filled with great kampers! I had a moment today with just 1 kamper that made my entire summer worth it. All I will type is that she strolled into K2 angry, feeling abandoned by God, afraid, frustrated and confused...she is leaving softened, encouraged, knowing God never leaves her, and clinging to Him. That is why we do what we do. (read the update to the monther's parents as I share with you about the past  few days)

Can't wait to see ya for summer 2012...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Sorry I haven't been updating. Changeover is a bit cray cray...but in an AWECREPIC way! Here are some snidbits (is that a real word or just a word my mom made up??)

Devo: Ephesians (7/28)...Unity in the Body of Christ. Philippians (7/29)...Paul's Joy Letter.

Morning: The past 2 days has been working on the Carnival that the Kicks and Kiowas put on for the boy side of kamp. Carnival is a long standing tradition and although it's fun, hard work...the girls LOVE to put it on for the boys side of K2. LOVE. They have booths with carnival games, prizes, banners that they painted, and do a dance at the end! Precious!

Afternoons: July 28th we had specialties for the afternoon and for July 29th we had a huge all K2 pool party. Woohoo!!

Night: We had Praise and Worship for the monthers and it is always a favorite night! For the 2 weekers we had our CrossTalk...all I can write about CrossTalk is it's the best CrossTalk I have seen in 11 years of working at K2. It's simple, raw and speaks of not only salvation but turning from junk and then not being "free catchers" of God's Grace. I honestly could type forever about it...hearts were transformed...prayerfully!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Term 4 (14Nighters) Closing Ceremonies...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 4 Parents,
Well, what a term! It has just been incredible! I put a Thank You picture on top because I don't know what else to say! Thank you for letting me have this job! I feel so overwhelmed that this is what I!

Okay, enough mooshy moosh! Here is the details on closing...

FRIDAY, July 29:
6:30 pm  >  Early luggage pick up & Kanakuk Store Open.

7:00 pm  >  Family Vespers (with Joe White) at Church (outdoor church facing lake)

8:15 pm  >  Awards Ceremony (with all 14 night kampers and parents and staff) and Kamper Recognition (this will be just your daughter/son cabin together to have the counselors read a certificate about each kamper)

10:00 pm  >  Good Night! (You may take your kamper this night if you would like just sign out in the office. We really just have breakfast in the morning and they leave so they don't miss anything.)

SATURDAY, July 30:
7:00 am  >  Wake up kampers still here and clean cabin

8:00 am  >  Kampers buffet breakfast

8:30 am  >  Parents Luggage Pick up (girls luggage on track, guys on cardiac hill)

9:00 am  > GoodBye!!!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
It has just been gorgeous here today! I love Wednesdays because of the new POD day we have around here. If you forget what POD days are you can look back to any of the Wednesday blog entries.

Devo: Galations...FREEDOM!

Morning: Morning POD choice of each kamper. Sorry this is a short info day. Treetops was cabins 1 and 2.

Afternoon: Afternoon POD choice of each kamper.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Dr. Joe White will be bringing a powerful message about Purity! What an impactful night we are praying for this to be. I'm actually headed up there now to watch the end and to pray that hearts would be moved to know how priceless each one of the girls (and guys for that matter) are in that gym tonight. To know they are so valuable to the Lord Almighty and that to stay pure is SO WORTH IT! No matter their past or present that God loves them unconditionally! It's a powerful night so please be praying for your daughter to ALWAYS know her TRUE worth is immeasurable.

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

July 26...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
It was a jam packed day with one of the most amazing parties of all summer...seriously!

Devo: II Corinthians...The Judgement Seat of Christ.

Morning: Normal morning of periods 1-3. Treetops was cabins 5 and 6.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of periods 4-5.

Trip: Cabins 17 and 18 girls were still out at K-Wet and Girls cabins 11 and 12 were at K-Wild.

Night: K-EXTREME! We had extreme neons, extreme crazy hair, extreme was such a fun party. We had lots of water x-games type activities where the cabins traveled together too and then we had a huge, unbelievable dance party! It was so much fun! Every kamper I think was going crazy and having a blast! All our leadership team got done with the party and was cleaning up and all of us felt like it was one of the best parties...the energy of this term is just cray cray (meaning crazy!)

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 25 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Here are pics...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
It was an awesome day today at K2. We had a bit of overcast and a few sprinkles that cooled things down. PTL! (Praise the Lord!)

Devo: I Corinthians...The Race for the Crown.

Morning: Normal morning of periods 1-3.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of periods 4-6.

Trip: Girls 17 and 18 are out on K-Wet.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Adam Donyes, a guy on the K2 leadership team,  is speaking tonight. I am not sure what his message is but I'm sure it's great!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

July 24 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
AWESOMENESS...that is all that needs to be said.

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

July 24...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Sunday's are glorious days! It was another awesome one!

Devo: No devo on Sunday.

Morning: Coffee cake, church, little more sleep EQUALS an amazing morning at K2. Girls love sundays...and guys too for that matter! We had 2 amazing staff folks share at church and then the girls break into FCA huddle groups to talk deeper about the 2 messages. We then have the girls write chicken letters which is to write home to the person that sent you to kamp to say THANKS! I hope all the girls actually did this! :)

Afternoon: We had a chillax/tournament day. We had the pool, 2 waterslides and our slip-n-slide open but also the kampers could sign up for a 3on3 basketball tournament, 4on4 sand volleyball tournament, or a washers tournament. It was a blast! We, of course, had sno cones which is a staple of every Sunday at K2.

Night: CLUB DEUCE! We had our dance through the decades party and it was so much fun! I, being 30 years old, was all in the middle of the party jumping around as was the rest of the K2 leadership teams. It was a blast! The kids had great costumes and we had a station with bingo/coke floats, swing dancing, and I can't remember the last station. At the end of the party we had a huge dance party with music from every decade! It was an AWECREPIC party!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 23 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Here are some precious pictures from the day...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

July 23...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Another AWECREPIC day here at K2...

Devo: Romans...The Gift of God's Righteousness (Side note: The leadership gal that spoke this morning is BETSY BOLICK. She has a ministry called "Small Enough" and if you ever need a speaker for a retreat for women, self image speaker...any kind of speaker SHE IS AMAZING! Click here to see her website and to get information on booking her)

Morning: Normal morning of periods 1-3. Treetops was cabins 11 and 12.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon periods of 4-6.

Trips: Girls cabins 19 and 20 are still at K-Wet for one more night and Girls 17 and 18 are at K-Wild.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Shay Robbins, the hubs, brought the Word tonight. It was awesome. It was so very silent through his entire message. I, in 11 years, have never heard it so silent during a K-Life message. He spoke about being "Numb." He showed kids pictures of the world of brokeness that we live in and all the junk of "stuff" that we have put in our lives and we don't see the world of lost and broken hearts around us. He called them to action and challenged their hearts to walk passionately and compassionately as a follower of Christ Jesus. To not be numb but to be a HERO. There were so many kampers huddled after the message praying together or just sitting by themselves on their knees praying to the Lord. It was a special night that the Holy Spirit truly filled our kamp. Please be praying for all the follow up conversations with kampers and counselors so that your sweet daughters know that walking compassionately in the Lord means being a HERO. Being a friend to the loner, stopping the gossip, or going to help with all the trafficing in the means living out compassion. It was just an awesome night...I could go on and on...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

July 22 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Here are some awesom pics from the day...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

July 22...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Awesome day...awesome kampers. We had a bit of rain today. It was our first rainy day of the whole summer. The kampers, of course, love rainy days b/c it usually involves watching Saved by the Bell and then some really fun cabin games.

Devo: Acts...the Infectious News.

Morning: Normal morning of periods 1-3. Treetops was cabins 13 and 14.

Afternoon: We had rainy day stuff for the girls' afternoon. We play a huge lifesize game of PIT, charades, and Bingo. It's so much fun!

Trips: Girls cabins 15 and 16 are at K-Wild and girls cabins 19 and 20 are at K-Wet.

Night: KAMPER TALENT SHOW. Okay, I must admit that I missed most of this as I was working on the schedule for the next day but I HEARD from a very reliable source (the hubs) that we have some amazingly talented kampers here. One gal played the euchalea (spelling so off??!) and sang and one gal played the piano and sang and I heard so many others were just awesome! Way to go on having really talented kids you guys! :)

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 21 in Pictures...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Wooohoo! I'm caught up. I will put up the daily rap up tomorrow for July 22 as it's already pretty late...sure hope you all are enjoying the little window to the K2 girls' world! So thankful for you all!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins