Friday, July 29, 2011

Goodbye, Hello...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 4 Parents,
I am hoping you all got the post on the schedule and are most likely leaving the gates of K2 now...what a great night filled with great kampers! I had a moment today with just 1 kamper that made my entire summer worth it. All I will type is that she strolled into K2 angry, feeling abandoned by God, afraid, frustrated and confused...she is leaving softened, encouraged, knowing God never leaves her, and clinging to Him. That is why we do what we do. (read the update to the monther's parents as I share with you about the past  few days)

Can't wait to see ya for summer 2012...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/4 Parents,
Sorry I haven't been updating. Changeover is a bit cray cray...but in an AWECREPIC way! Here are some snidbits (is that a real word or just a word my mom made up??)

Devo: Ephesians (7/28)...Unity in the Body of Christ. Philippians (7/29)...Paul's Joy Letter.

Morning: The past 2 days has been working on the Carnival that the Kicks and Kiowas put on for the boy side of kamp. Carnival is a long standing tradition and although it's fun, hard work...the girls LOVE to put it on for the boys side of K2. LOVE. They have booths with carnival games, prizes, banners that they painted, and do a dance at the end! Precious!

Afternoons: July 28th we had specialties for the afternoon and for July 29th we had a huge all K2 pool party. Woohoo!!

Night: We had Praise and Worship for the monthers and it is always a favorite night! For the 2 weekers we had our CrossTalk...all I can write about CrossTalk is it's the best CrossTalk I have seen in 11 years of working at K2. It's simple, raw and speaks of not only salvation but turning from junk and then not being "free catchers" of God's Grace. I honestly could type forever about it...hearts were transformed...prayerfully!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

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