Friday, October 29, 2010

2 Buttons for Parenting...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals & PARENTS,
Hopefully there are still some parents who check this crazy blog since the summer when summer was all to you all. Today is for both parents and girls. As I have watched our firstborn begin to grow, gain more independence with crawling and more spunk with her faces and wants I have thought so much about parents.

Girls, I promise you that parents (again, from my 11 months of trial of this whole parenting thing) would love for their to be a button that in every day situations, hard situations, confusing situations that they could just push the all knowing, perfectly solution finding EASY button. Already with an 11 month old, I wish there was an easy button that as you labored for your child the button just came right out with each one too. That would be amazing and slightly odd...but you know what I mean. Girls, your parents, even at their worst most unconnected to you stage, desperately love you and are just trying to navigate this world of teenage junk and prayerfully have a daughter that not only survives but thrives in knowing the Lord, knowing her security, and knowing her giftings. Oh, to have an EASY button...amen from any parents! I am sure some are staring at this screen screamin' "PREACH SISTER." No, oh, okay?

But girls, sadly the button that we as parents get (again, 11 months is the fullness of my knowledge) a lot of the days is the PANIC button. We have a panic button in our tongues, our hearts, our bodily movements. So when you come home and want to go to a party that "everyone" is going to we just say, "No, because I said so" out of pure panic. If we had the handy dandy easy button we would sit down and listen to why you wanted to go, would parents be there, what type of things would be going on, and allow you to share, listen and then ask for you to hear us out on our side. We would ask (party in this example is not a good party like with hats and hayrides) if this party truly was a place Jesus would love to return and see you at. Ohh!! Such a squashing question of questionable at that point would see our side and although sad would in your heart know that your parents had just pressed the easy button instead of the panic button. Another example, you come home and really want to major in college in Art & Literature while your dad/mom have pushed the business world for a very long time. Your parents might press the panic button and say they will not pay for college if you major in this crazy, ain't no jobs in Art & Lit that pay more than $2 an hour. You at that point calmly ask your parents what is it that scares them for you to major and work in the area that you are passionate and more than that the Lord has gifted you in? Ohh! Good question teenage daughter! Your parents then get to hear your excitement and dreams and know that the Lord has placed those things on your heart and get to say..."ya know what, we want to support the heart the Lord has placed in you. We do want you to have a job but maybe it's something we couldn't have scripted...only God can. So we'll pay!" WOOHOO!

Okay, cheesy examples (and quite long)...absolutely. But parents and girls you both (again, I'm learning this even now with an 11 month old and by no means want to come across as having it figured out...just typing here to the world wide web some thoughts) have to withhold your hand from slamming down the panic button in fear, doubt, out of control. etc and allow yourself to hit the easy button but stopping, asking Jesus to meet you there, and listening to each other.

So go my K2 girls and awesome K2 parents...begin to switch buttons in your home from panic responses of the flesh to spirit responses of the heart. I have to end with this...well, that was easy!
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photos: / Search "easy button" & "panic button"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You are my Sunshine...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Sunshine...isn't it just wonderful in the fall weather? It hits perfectly each tree that is changing from green to yellow, orange, or red. I just love it! I love summer sun because it's summer...enough said. But the fall sunshine makes me want to...

a. grab a scarf and linger in it all day even if it doesn't match
b. snab a caramel apple spice with the Starbucks gift card I have and sip it all day and somehow it magically stay warm all day
c. snuggle up to my hubby and watch the Bears prayerfully win
d. take a bazillion and one pictures of the firstborn outside with the brilliance of fall around her

Such a hard test, I know...but you guessed it (well, I don't really know if you did I'm just assuming here) it's ALL OF THE ABOVE. I mean something about fall sunshine that just makes you all warm in the sternum area and just want to grab your family and put on scarves and go hang on in the woods hiking. At least that's the picture in my mind...anyone elses? No, oh, that's weird!

Well, enjoy the fall sunshine wherever you are...if you like live in Florida or California or New York then I don't know if you can fully embrace my words. Come visit the Ozarks in the fall and you might find yourself a new home! Or you might just miss the pool in your neighborhood...either way it would be a fun trip!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / Seller: sewsaucystitches / Click
HERE to purchase print

Monday, October 25, 2010

On the Road Again...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, how stinkin' cute is that picture above...I just love it! The Robbins' Fam is again on the road for another week and getting to stay with some of our sweetest friends! I just love getting to connect again! Anyways, as we were traveling in the Kanakuk Mini today I wondered if most people like road trips? Me, well, I like them if they are 3-4.5 hours long. That's right, after 4 hours I am pretty much done. I don't know what it is I just don't adore jumping in the van/car/any type of car and hitting the open road for a destination that is 5-12 hours away.

What about you? Do you love a good 16 hour road trip with your family? Friends? What is it about them that you love? How do you not get a little loopy in a smelly car/van and sick of potty breaks at, we'll call them, "interesting" places?

Random question...ponder and then get back to me! As for me...we are done with a road trip till Friday. Then we embark on an 8 hour one...yikes, pray now! Haha!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "on the road again"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Favorite Things Friday...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
I don't know if this will be a weekly post but I found this oh-so-cute sign for Favorite Things Friday and had to use it! Enjoy my favorite things as of now...cue Julie Andrews singing "these are a few of my favorite things..."

1. Yankee Candles...well, any candles! I pretty much always have 1 candle lit in our kitchen for smell goodie, atmosphere and just it's pretty. My fav scents are fruity or clean scents. Presently I have early sunrise in the Robbins kitchen.

2. Great Value Foccacia Crust Pepperoni. I am a bit double sided as the Walmart in Branson has like started stocking weird variations of their Great Value pizzas...what happened to foccacia pepperoni people? So yummy! 3. Good 'ole Saturday morning garage sales. I went 2 weeks ago and found 2 clean, smoke free Vera Bradley large totes for $15.00. Woohoo!!
4. DIY Magazine. (DIY = Do It Yourself). Jennifer Farley got me hooked on this magazine! Again, lots of projects I want to do and some maybe I will actually do! :)
5. Amy Butler Fabric...or any fun fabric. We have an AMAZING fabric store in Springfield that I can spend 3 hours in each really, I really do spend 2-3 hours when I go. OBSESSED.
6. IKEA in general (went for my first time 2 week changing!). But specifically these desk trestles that I would love for a desk (with a tabletop of course!). Woohoo! Need a real desk as opposed to our dining room table. 7. You all should know this one...ETSY. I am officially the president of Etsy fan club borderline crazy obsessed with this site. I embrace my obsession and am okay with it! Just love all those crafty people out there!
8. Woven Baskets! Of any color, texture, brand...I love them! These below are from Ikea! I would love these for our laundry room that someday will have a wood piece on top of our washer/dryer to put cute little baskets like this!Well, I am sure this just changed your life to know my favorite things for now. BUT seriously, what are your favs right now in your world? I am pretty focused on home stuff because I am still nesting in our home...but maybe you are focused on music stuff, clothes (surprise every teenage girl!), or athletic stuff. Whatever it is, what are your favs?
p.s. I wonder if I should send this blog post to Shay...Christmas ideas galore!
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photos: / search of key words / Favorite Things Friday:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, sorry if a lot of posts are focused on food. I just think because I am home now with the precious firstborn that I get to cook, bake, and look up recipes more. This fabulous recipe (this one is not the one they use but it's close) idea came from 2 Kanakuk Institute gals. Sarah, the DHDL at K-Kauai this summer and Tanya (k2 gal), and actually Kristen Knoth (not a Kanakuk Institute gal but was in visiting when these delicious muffins were made). They are so yummy and I now have a husband who is hooked! He heats them up with a heap of ice cream on top! I just like them warmed and popped in my mouth! So deelish!

Again, grab your mom, best friend, sister or brother, daddy, grandparent, or cousing or whomever and march yourself to your grocery store then to your kitchen. Enjoy!

PREHEAT oven to 350° F. Grease thirty-six 2 1/2-inch muffin cups or line with paper bake cups.

COMBINE all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in medium bowl. Combine eggs and sugar in large bowl. Add pumpkin and oil; mix well. Stir in flour mixture until moistened. Stir in morsels. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.

BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Cool in pans on wire racks for 5 minutes; remove from pans.

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 large eggs, slightly beaten
2 cups granulated sugar
1 can (15 oz.) LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels

(recipe and photo: Click HERE for website)

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Doors...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Fall decor front doors! Ah! I just love them! My door currently is just, well, our door. No pumpkins, fun wreaths or hay bails with straw people. Priorities...the door decor is not on the list! Sad day! BUT, I enjoy just as much driving through neighborhoods (in an uncreepy way of course) looking at doors/porches of other homes!

There is just something so welcoming about's like the pumpkins are just saying hello and the straw people really are real! I pulled these two pictures and just love them...minus the black scary birds on the bottom one. I am more of a "fall" person than a halloween person.

Well, there is no point to this post. Just to encourage you to look around as you drive around (or are driven around) in your towns. What is a welcoming door look like to you?

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "fall door decor"

Friday, October 15, 2010

Can't You Stay Awhile...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
I just said goodbye to a dear friend who had been in town. Tears came easily and I think we hugged 3 times for our goodbye. As I watched my friend walk away to her car and drive on home I just wanted to say..."can't you stay awhile?" What a great question.

I thought about that very question for life in general. Friends that maybe you need to sit down with to show you care and ask deeper questions than what happened on last weeks Glee episode. Parents that you don't give more than a 2 word answer for every question they ask. Sisters in Christ that need to sit and pray with you over their struggles and yours. As my friend headed back home I just wanted to sit with her, pray with her, and just have her stay awhile to drink hot cocoa, let our girls play, and have her friendship close again.

So ask someone today..."Can't you stay awhile?" Mix up some caramel apple spice hot drink or some yucky coffee latte jazz and facebook, no texting, no i-anything. Just sit and talk to a real person for a while...we were made for relationships my friends. So stay a while in one...

(the last comment was not for a boyfriend stay awhile relationship...not that boyfriends are bad but I am more meaning a mom, grandparent, sibling, lost friend, church friend, teammate, etc)

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / Seller trulyvera / Click HERE to purchase.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sonic Cranberry Limeade...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, honestly, once again somehow my posting is going back to food/drink subjects. What can I say, I'm 8 months preggo! Today I am totally bumming because of 2 reasons:
1. Our precious firstborn naps during the time of 1:00 pm till 4 pm.
2. My awesome hubby currently has the minivan swagger wagon.

Now, some of you might not even get the bummer of the 2 reasons listed. Well, my sweet friends, Sonic Happy Hour is from 2 pm to 4 pm each day...meaning our precious one sleeps during the exact time of Happy Hour preventing me from getting a half priced small cranberry limeade and small coke with lime. Yep, that's right, I get 2 drinks. When they are half priced why not!? Instead of getting a Route 44 Size of one drink I prefer to get 2 smalls and get the 2 tastes I am desiring! I know all of you reading this just thought to yourself...GENIUS!

Luckily, I have great friends in our awesome town who frequently call for a Sonic requests...thanks Tanya Beardsley (K2 staff gal doing the Kanakuk Institute) and Bronwyn Rapp. Ahh! Thank you Jesus for friends who equally love Sonic!

Enjoy this Thursday and go grab a cranberry limeade or coke with lime and as you drink it up think of me or just drink it up and enjoy every last precious piece of Sonic ice!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "sonic cranberry limeade"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Nail Colors...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, I'm sure some of you might feel like I go back in forth between very life changing posts and then throw in some (okay, like 99% of the time) random, absolutely no point posts. Well, today is the day for one of those...the random ones.

I truly have very average nails. I am not great with painting nails, keeping nails painted, or just in general of having perfectly manicured nails. But I have seen some very different colors this fall on my trendy friends (I think I have trendy friends even if we do live in Branson, MO!) It seems that blues, purples, greens, and according to a magazine in my baby doctor's appointment waiting room deeper red's with me crazy but it's hard to keep up with the nail trend.

So hoping that you all can stay on the rollercoaster of nail trends but I am still about 3 miles back in the line praying to get on the coaster at some point...until then I will keep my no polish, cuticles tugged at, some short/some medium lenght nails. Average nails...hear me roar!

What are your trends? What's on your nails now? I'll get trendy, well, maybe at somepoint...
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / Search "fall 2010 nail color trends"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are you the "X" Factor in Drama...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Drama, drama, hate it but yet you always seem to be involved in it. I am always a bit baffled when I get to hang with you girls in the summer by the drama that is in your world and although I hear things like..."Ugg, I hate drama." "I stay away from drama." "Drama is just stupid." It's interesting because you all seem to be the x-factor in hating drama with your words but ALWAYS being right up in the middle of it!

So I might be stepping on toes, which I really can't because it's just a blog, I mean, I have no real way to really step on your toes, but I'm going to type anyways. I want each of your girls (or maybe mom's too) to think through life, your friendships, your you create, stir, or add to drama in the world? I think drama is just another word for gossip, being a part of something that you have no business being a part of, or wanting to be a soap opera star but you aren't on Days of Our Lives. So take a step back and honestly think through what you are it stirring drama because that girl danced one dance with the boy you liked at Homecoming...that is drama and you are starting it. So...take a step back and if you are the x-factor or any factor in the drama start asking yourself why? And how you can truly truly step out of it in your world...surprise, it might mean a drastic decline in the number of texts you send due to all of yours being after stopping them your parents might have more money in the bank!

Adore all of you...even your drama...but walk's not a compliment when people call you a drama queen. I promise! :)

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / Search "drama queen sign"

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our Neighborhood Block Party...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, I am excited to tell each of you tonight we (along with our AWESOME NEIGHBORS) are hosting a Neighborhood Block Party. Woohoo! Last week in chapel, the hubby and some of our neighbors that work for other Kanakuk Ministries sat by each other and listened to a speaker talk about community and how we outreach and love people. It was a hit to the heart as we all knew we haven't reached out very well even within our own neighborhood. So block party here we come!

We are praying for the neighbors we don't know to come so we can simply meet them to build relationships with the people down our street. What about you girls? Do you know the community around you everday that you can influence, show love, and hope to? I know for our family it opened our eyes to simply realize we don't know people we drive by every day and do the cordial wave. How can you open your eyes and heart to how the Lord might want you to outreach or build a might be your locker neighbor? Home room class neighbor? Teammate? Or a gal you sit by on the bus everyday? Open your eyes and if you need to host a block it!

Off to marinate 5 lbs. of ground beef for hamburgers! Woohoo!!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /

Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekend Project Idea...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, I thought today, being Friday, I would do a weekend project idea for you and friends, you and the momma, you and little siblings, you and just you. Just a fun, quick, easy project. Well, today I am just craving (not a preggo crave, just normal "that sounds good" craving like normal people) a caramel apple. I haven't had one...goodness, I am sure I have had one in my life but I surely can't remember...weird! Anyways, I thought I would give you the idea, a few links with directions, and you and whomever can just have a ball as you make them on a fall Saturday morning (that would be the time I would want to make them in my weekend agenda...or maybe Friday night with a movie and hot fun!). So enjoy and seriously they're delicious (I think. Caramel + granny smith apples = DEELISH!).

How many parenthesis ( ) did I use in the above very small paragraph...bahahaha! Again, I am so glad I enjoy writing this blog each day! Well, I'm off to dream of caramel apples since our firstborn has no teeth and can't eat them...maybe I'll get Shay to do the weekend project with me! Woohoo!

Click HERE for lots of caramel apple recipes.

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "fall caramel apples"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Princess Within...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Oh, to wake up and be a princess...every girls dream right? Oh, come on, admit it! I mean "Princess Diaries" in real life would be just unbelievable...I wonder if it's ever really happened in real life! I'll google it...

Anyways, so why Princesses? I guess today I just wanted to do a random post (I am sure you are so devastatingly surprised) and just say how much fun it would be if we could still wear the ball gowns and have classy dances like balls. I have a friend, I won't mention names but she used to be a worship leader at K2 with her hubby, who is living out the dream by being a princess at a certain theme park that would have Disney Princesses! Ahh!! I mean how fun is that!!! Again, even if you are too cool for everything and think the Disney princesses are so lame-o, I really think deep down if given the chance with the dress, wig, makeup, and a day at the park to be the princess for all these little 3 year old precious smiling girls you would love it! We all would.

So today, just remember you are one! Quit trying to be 26 years old and all grown up with clothes, sunglasses, handbags and the latest boots...just be YOU! The princess He made you to be...and okay if every once in a while you throw on a tiara and a ball gown that's perfectly okay too! Haha!

(Side Note: I would for sure want to be Cinderalla...hello, blonde hair and blue dress to match my eyes...Which one for you?)

(Second Side Note: I just realized the title sounds very deep and heart deep...but it's just a random post on Disney Princesses...sorry for the let down. Hopefully you all laughed or smirked or reacted in some type of "oh she's cool" teenage way)

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "disney princess"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teenage High Blood Pressure...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Goodness, it's Wednesday but yet to me for some random reason it feels like Friday. Very strange! Today I was thinking about high school. It was an interesting time for me. I was by no means the cool, very popular person that you know now (haha! I couldn't even act like that statement was true...I am cracking myself up!). But for real, I wasn't voted Miss Popular by any stretch of the imagination and I was just trying to be average in high school. Grades weren't really talked about amongst each other...but NOW, these days. You girls are so so so very stressed about grades, college prep classes, and having 40 hours of college credit as a 6th grader.

So today, although exceling in grades is not a bad thing at all, I just wanted to simply send out a perspective check to you girls via a blog post. I know that some of you have so much pressure on you but I pray you can stop, talk to the padres, and not let grades/school/college pursuit overtake LIFE. Ya know, laughing with your mom as you make the worst cookies, chasing your brother around the house, going to a weekly small group of girls that encourage and hold you accountable to being a godly young woman. are for sure important but don't let them take over. A "B" or even, heaven forbid, a "C" does not mean you will not be entered into the kingdom someday. So excel and do your best but don't absorb your life into your future college resume to where that is all that matters.

Sure think the world of each of you. Remember, I by no means, am saying to blow off school or work (I want no angry parent emails)...just keep it balanced and in perspective.

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "stress of grades"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thank You's...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals!
How is everyone this lovely (well, it's lovely here in Branson! Crisp, fall morning that has evolved into a glorious sunshine-y day!) day? I hope you all had wonderful weekends. I feel like most of you might be having Homecoming dances. I hope you all keep dances like this in if you didn't have a date! I promise you, you will make it through the next 4 years! Promise! Click HERE to read a post about dance dates I wrote last year. Anyways, I hope if you went to Homecoming or not, you girls are doing great this fall semester as you hit the somewhat half way point in the semester. Keep loving Jesus and know of His love each day!

Well, so Thank You cards! Why, Ashley do you have a picture of Thank You cards? Well, last night as Shay watched the Chicago Bears (yikes, it was a tough night for Bears fans!) with his dad and brother I sat at the table forcing myself to write and complete the rest of my thank you's from having our precious girl/gifts/etc. Oh, my goodness, I laughed at myself when I was done because our firstborn is about to turn 1 and we are having another one. I am so late and I was so embarrassed but one statement that rang true...better late than never.

I realize the medium of "snail mail" is maybe a dying art form but I was raised that as quick as someone does something for you or a gift is received you sit you tooshy down and get out the note card to say thank you. God Bless Momma Medlin (that would be my mom!) for this deep embedded lesson in my soul.

So today girls...get out a cute note card and write a thank you card to your teacher (gasp! no way ashley! yes, girls, your teacher would love a thank you card), momma, sister, older brother, person who sent you to kamp, counselor, friend, or whomever to simply say thanks for something they did for you. It will melt their little hearts! Promise!

Oh, and there are cute thank you cards on (I should be making money from Etsy with all the promotion I give that website :)...maybe one day!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / Seller: atelierdesigns / Click HERE to purchase these cards

Friday, October 1, 2010

Story Time with Brooke...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, yet again another week with STORY TIME WITH BROOKE. The picture above was perfect for this post as Brooke heads to her all american hometown picnic...enjoy!

As many of you know-who takes you to certain school functions such as a homecoming dance is a big deal. In the town I grew up in (Quincy, IL-aka America's hometown) students started going to high school dances as sophomores instead of freshman. It was August of my sophomore year...and people were starting to get their dates lined up. Sidenote: the dance wasn't until the end of October so I don't know why people were getting their dates so early...but I didn't want to be left in the I joined the mayhem. We were at a town picnic (when you live in America's hometown you have town picnics) and boys were beginning to ask girls to the dance. One of my good guy friends came up to me and asked if I would go with another boy, Brock, to the dance (typical...test the waters before asking) . I said I wasn't sure. About 15 minutes later all my friends were standing around in a circle-about 30 of us-just chatting when Brock comes up and stands next to me. In my mind I "thought" he was acting nervous which made me "think" he was getting ready to ask me to homecoming. Being the semi-outspoken person that I am....out of nowhere I just look at him and say,
"Fine-I'll go with you to homecoming!"

The place went silent as everyone turned to look at me wondering why I just said that aloud, who I was talking to, and confused on what I meant! Brock looked at me and says, "You want to go to homecoming with me??????" And I respond, "I thought you were acting nervous and couldn't get the words out so I just sped up the process : )" My girlfriends chins were hitting the concrete, our guy friends were dying of laughter (secretly wishing they had gotten a date that easy I bet!) and I was just in tears laughing about how ridiculous that conversation was...but also relieved that I'd gotten a homecoming date (turns out he wasn't planning on asking me...but we went together...and had a blast!).

So girls, the moral of Story Time with Brooke today is if you are stressing about Homecoming Dance Dates...don't just when a boy awkwardly stands by you blurt out..."okay, I'll go to Homecoming with you" and see what it gets you. Haha!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /