Well, how stinkin' cute is that picture above...I just love it! The Robbins' Fam is again on the road for another week and getting to stay with some of our sweetest friends! I just love getting to connect again! Anyways, as we were traveling in the Kanakuk Mini today I wondered if most people like road trips? Me, well, I like them if they are 3-4.5 hours long. That's right, after 4 hours I am pretty much done. I don't know what it is I just don't adore jumping in the van/car/any type of car and hitting the open road for a destination that is 5-12 hours away.
What about you? Do you love a good 16 hour road trip with your family? Friends? What is it about them that you love? How do you not get a little loopy in a smelly car/van and sick of potty breaks at, we'll call them, "interesting" places?
Random question...ponder and then get back to me! As for me...we are done with a road trip till Friday. Then we embark on an 8 hour one...yikes, pray now! Haha!
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
Photo: google.com / search "on the road again"
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