Well, honestly, once again somehow my posting is going back to food/drink subjects. What can I say, I'm 8 months preggo! Today I am totally bumming because of 2 reasons:
1. Our precious firstborn naps during the time of 1:00 pm till 4 pm.
2. My awesome hubby currently has the minivan swagger wagon.
Now, some of you might not even get the bummer of the 2 reasons listed. Well, my sweet friends, Sonic Happy Hour is from 2 pm to 4 pm each day...meaning our precious one sleeps during the exact time of Happy Hour preventing me from getting a half priced small cranberry limeade and small coke with lime. Yep, that's right, I get 2 drinks. When they are half priced why not!? Instead of getting a Route 44 Size of one drink I prefer to get 2 smalls and get the 2 tastes I am desiring! I know all of you reading this just thought to yourself...GENIUS!
Luckily, I have great friends in our awesome town who frequently call for a Sonic requests...thanks Tanya Beardsley (K2 staff gal doing the Kanakuk Institute) and Bronwyn Rapp. Ahh! Thank you Jesus for friends who equally love Sonic!
Enjoy this Thursday and go grab a cranberry limeade or coke with lime and as you drink it up think of me or just drink it up and enjoy every last precious piece of Sonic ice!
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
Photo: google.com / search "sonic cranberry limeade"
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