Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teenage High Blood Pressure...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Goodness, it's Wednesday but yet to me for some random reason it feels like Friday. Very strange! Today I was thinking about high school. It was an interesting time for me. I was by no means the cool, very popular person that you know now (haha! I couldn't even act like that statement was true...I am cracking myself up!). But for real, I wasn't voted Miss Popular by any stretch of the imagination and I was just trying to be average in high school. Grades weren't really talked about amongst each other...but NOW, these days. You girls are so so so very stressed about grades, college prep classes, and having 40 hours of college credit as a 6th grader.

So today, although exceling in grades is not a bad thing at all, I just wanted to simply send out a perspective check to you girls via a blog post. I know that some of you have so much pressure on you but I pray you can stop, talk to the padres, and not let grades/school/college pursuit overtake LIFE. Ya know, laughing with your mom as you make the worst cookies, chasing your brother around the house, going to a weekly small group of girls that encourage and hold you accountable to being a godly young woman. are for sure important but don't let them take over. A "B" or even, heaven forbid, a "C" does not mean you will not be entered into the kingdom someday. So excel and do your best but don't absorb your life into your future college resume to where that is all that matters.

Sure think the world of each of you. Remember, I by no means, am saying to blow off school or work (I want no angry parent emails)...just keep it balanced and in perspective.

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /
Photo: / search "stress of grades"

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