Well, I already feel like Term 1 is flying by. Here is the run down of their day:
Verse: Luke 9:23: "Then He said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.'"
Morning/Afternoon: Higher Ground is still underway and this is the 3rd day of Higher Ground. Cabin 11 & 12 had Summit this morning and Cabins 15 & 16 girls left this morning for K-Wild. K-Wild is where the 2 cabins head out to a cave a short distance away to canoe (if the water is high enough) the Buffalo, repel mountains, and do some fun cliff jumping. It's a blast and so very good for cabin bonding/unity. They stay 1 night at K-Wild.
Night: Tonight we have one of the favorite nights for the girls. We have a huge warball tournament. Warball is where two teams line up on the baselines of our tennis courts and there are dodgeballs in the center line of the courts. We start the game and take off to get the most balls. Then they start unleashing them at each other. They can't hit in the face and you can dodge them or catch them to get the other team's person who threw the ball out. It's a super fun game. The girls' two tribes play each other in a big tournament and then all the K2 girl kampers (around 240 girls) play the K2 girls staff (around 65 girls). It's hysterical!!!
Thanks for your prayers for each day with your daughters. We need them so much as we do our best to show them Christ through sports, laughter, memories, and relationships. We aren't a perfect kamp but we pray each day that the Lord would find favor in each of your girls' hearts to love Him more.
Window to their world,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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