Today is SUNDAY! K2 kampers/staff (and I might add directors) love sundays! We get to sleep in and have koffee kake (obviously we oddly spell everything that we can with a K). It was such a great day. The girls get lots of cabin bonding time during an extended F.O.B and the church speakers are always incredible! Nika Spaulding, a K2 leadership gal, shared about her family/testimony and it was so so great! Then a K2 staff guy, Michael Loney, shared about being meditators of the word and we did fun word pictures to memorize the Be-attitudes! We had a laid back afternoon of "Tournament of Champions." All the K2 girls and guys could sign up for co-ed bball, guy only bball, co-ed sand volleyball, washers, or ping pong tourneys! Or if they didn't want to do tournaments they could play in the pool and get a sno cone (a Sunday tradition) or head to our gym to watch "Saved by the Bell." (a child of the 80's great show that is clean and awesome!). So that's the run down....
Verse: Proverbs 11:14: "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure."
Morning: Church, Huddle groups (time to talk about whatever the speakers share about), and cabin bonding time.
Afternoon: Sunday Funday! (Tournament of Champions/Chillin' Day)
Night: K-Life: Don Ford spoke about Absolute Truth. It was so great!
Hope you all are doing great and know that K2 girls side is having a ball!
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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