(Sorry I'm behind a few days!! It's been nuts around here...in a good way!). Okay so today has been great. Here is the run down:
Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:12: "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ."
Morning: Today we start our individualized schedules. The girls each have their own printed out schedule. I love it when normal schedules begin. It gives us a sense of routine which at kamp is so nice to have a little bit of.
Afternoon: They had normal 4-6 period. The girls did all have volleyball competition between Kickapoos and Kiowas. Cabin 15 and 16 girls actually played and all the girls cheered them on! I am not sure who won...sorry!
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT: Don Ford is speaking tonight. Don runs a ministry called AfterDark (college focused) and Pure Excitement (teenage purity focused). He has such a heart for ministry. He shared tonight about forgiveness and how the Lord sees each of them. I love this message as so many kids think they have "messed up" too much for the Lord to love them. Oh, what a lie! Don hits hard that fact that GOD LOVES THEM...no matter their past! It's awesome! I think for girls especially that have made some poor choices or walked through hard stuff that Satan, boo!, really makes us hold on to that guilt and shame. But when we walk in Christ we are washed by the blood of the Lamb! Cleaned white as snow! Man, I love that! Anyways, so I hope your girl knows that God loves her so much!
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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