Hey Kanakuk Moms and Dads,
Well, I was not actually in kamp today but I can tell you about the day! I know weather wise it was a great one. We are so thankful for sunny days for kampers to be running around, jumping in the pool, and just having a great time!
Verse: Ephesians 4:3-4: "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called."
Morning/Afternoon: Normal day here at K2. We had great classes going for 1st-6th period.
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT: We just got done with K-life and it was so much fun. Our 2 programs girls are both out of kamp for a night off so myself and my friend Tanya Beardsley danced the night away...then we did the FAMOUS ROCKY ROAD YOUTH GROUP TROOP! It was hysterical! Parents you gotta get your girls to tell you about this skit! The funniest part about tonights version was the mess-ups! Lots of laughter! Then Don Ford will be speaking. Don is awesome! He is the President of AfterDark (Joe speaks to College campuses) and Pure Excitement (Joe speaks to high schoolers about purity). Don's message tonight is called "It's How You Finish."
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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