Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 5...

Hey Kanakuk Parents and Friends,
I cannot believe it's almost time for our Term 3 kiddos to leave! Great thing about today is that it's SUNDAY!! Sundays at K2 are just the best! Sleep in, koffee kake, I'm 3rd Sunday with Joe, and long R&R for everyone! It's just awesome!

Verse: Romans 6:12: "Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires."

Morning: The guys and gals of K2 got to sleep in this morning and then headed up for koffee kake!! Yummy! Joe White spoke at K2 church about having the "I'm 3rd" spirit and that message is always such a great heart check. It sounds so easy but what if we really lived each day, each moment with placing the Lord first, other second, and ourselves last! Man what a different world we would live in!

Afternoon: We had CHILLAX day at K2. It was awesome! We have a floating dock in our lake that the kids could float out to to get soda (I say coke but I realize it's more options than coke). We also had fresh fruit and sno cones at the pool and we had trams (people movers) to take the kids from the dock to the pool if they wanted to. It was just awesome cabin hang time!

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT: Tonight is on PURITY! Joe White will be sharing and he really brings it! I really feel like this year we are stressing not just an emotional night, because emotional nights with the Lord aren't bad, but really stressing the lifestyle of living each day for the Lord. It's so worth it!

Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins

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