Hey Kanakuk Moms and Dads,
Is it seriously changeover for Term 2??? Now Term 3 leaves and Term 4 arrives!!! Madness! I must admit that once the changeover happens the last 13 days fly by of the term! I believe most of you should have received an email from Joe (for only Term 3 parents) about the changes to the Closing Schedule for our 1st 13 day kampers. Please call 417-266-3520, the K2 office, if you have questions. Otherwise here was the day...
No verse because 13 dayers left and 25 dayers went to White Water today. White Water is a water park in Branson, MO. We load up like 8 buses and myself and a guy leadership, Jared Kolther, head to White Water to take over! It's so much fun and a special day out for our 25 day kampers!
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Well, I might be biased but I think the BEST SPEAKER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD speaks tonight...my husband, Shay Robbins! :) He is talking about the Recipe for a Revolution. It's an awesome message of taking a stand and becoming a mighty man/woman of the Lord. He uses 2 Samuel and David's mighty men (Eleazor specifically) to bring the message home. Oh, man, I just love being married to him! He speaks the Word into your kids lives and does it in a way they can relate! We love our jobs!! Thanks parents for letting us do this!!
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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