Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6...

Hey Kanakuk Term 1 Parents/Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles/etc,
Well, today is our first Sunday of the summer. I LOVE SUNDAYS!! We let our kampers sleep in and they have an optional breakfast buffet. It's awesome. We serve the Kanakuk favorites: coffee cake for breakfast and our fried chicken for lunch. Yummy! We have church in our K2 church which is on a mountain, not sure if that's the technical geographic name for it, that overlooks our lake...breathtaking!! We give the kampers lots of hang time with their cabin today and time to write letters (our mail is really slow so you should start getting mail soon), rest, play, and just have a ball! We will have a Sunday Funday today...but I'll tell you more about this below.

Women of the Bible Study: The girls do their own quiet time today. We don't do the official Kanakomo Bible Study book
Verse: Again, see above.

Morning: Sleep, Breakfast, Church, Chicken Letter/Hang time...Chicken letters are when we ask our kampers to write whomever sent them to kamp to say thanks. I hope if you sent your child/grandchild/niece/etc to K2 you will get a letter soon...

Afternoon: We have Sunday Funday! We will be opening our waterslide, our new Cardiac Falls Slip-n-Slide, the pool, trapeze, rings, have a 3-on-3 Basketball tournament, and more...all the kampers just pick what they want to do or just hang at the pool and eat lots of sno-cones (Sno-cones are an official Sunday tradition at K2)

Night: Tonight we have for the girls' side our Tribal night. Each of the girls now have a tribe (Kickapoo or Kiowa) and so tonight they meet as a tribe to plan what we call "Karnival." (I know everything is with a "K"). Karnival is a fun night where the girls plan games, banners, and a dance for the guy side of kamp. It's a blast!

We would love to continue to ask for prayers for your daughters. Some of you reading have sent your kids for 10 years and they love kamp, some have sent your daughter who has never been and has had a rough year, and some have sent your daughter to simply be encouraged...whatever the reason your sweet daughters are here we want to daily encourage, love and show them Jesus...Thanks for letting us be a small part of your kiddos lives!

Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /

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