Well, July 10th was another great day! I feel so rejuvenated by today as I have been reminded today of the Lord's visible hand on this kamp right now. I just biked the loop today around kamp watching kampers be kids...be the age they are and not have to be grown up and have all of life figured out. To hear their name being said with all encouraging words after it...it was just very humbling!
Women of the Bible Study: Rahab / Joshua 2:1-21 & Joshua 6:17-25
Verse: Psalm 31:24
Morning: Normal day of classes.
Afternoon: Normal day of classes.
Night: WOAH-man night! Instead of "woman" we call ourselves "woahman" because the Lord looks at each of your girls and says..."Woah!" Being in awe of His creation in each of them. We also love "woahman" because we talk to the girls about prayerfully their dads saying that to them now that they are in awe of them as their daughters and that someday their will be a man that will love Jesus with his whole heart and he will say "Woah" to them! Pretty cool! Anyways, random tangent. Tonight is a night that our UC (unit coordinators. they are 5 girls that are not in a cabin but are assigned to help oversee 4 cabins to help the counselors, hang with kampers, and just be an extra gal to help love and help manage 4 cabins) plans and each unit hangs and does something different. I can't remember the units of which ones are doing what but I know we have a "Hollywood" night (movie), county fair with caramel apples, kid night where they have ants on a log and watch a movie, Q&A with a unit where they can ask questions and have a snack, and...oh, shucks, I can't remember the other activity...sorry! Pregnant and very naturally blonde! :)
Cabins 11 and 12 took off to K-Wild this morning and cabins 13 and 14 took off to K-Wet (if you are a boy parent this is just the girls cabin trip assignment...Shay just tells me that guy kampers' parents read this too...so fun! Welcome!).
Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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