So sorry I'm behind...I guess I'm just having too much fun being out at Kamp that stopping to find time to blog has been tough! It's been great days at kamp...
Women of the Bible Study: No one since it is (was) Sunday.
Verse: Same
Morning: Oh, Sunday morning, how I love thee! Sleep in, coffee cake, Sunday church overlooking Tablerock, fried chicken...could it be any better!
Afternoon: We had a H2O Day! All water was open! Dock, slip-n-slide, pool, waterslide, and anything else with water that I'm forgetting. It was another Sunday to soak up the sun, hang with great kamp friends, and just relax a bit from our crazy K2 pace!
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Oh, how our kampers love K-Life! Adam Donyes, a K2 leadership guy, spoke. I am so sorry to say I don't know what on as I was mom/wife last night and got great family time! (Thanks for understanding!)
Cabins 13 and 14 are still at K-Wet and will return in the morning. I'm sure they had a great couple of days doing some awesome stuff!
Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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