Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12...

Hey Kanakuk Term 2/4 Parents,
I can't believe we have 7 days before this term is over! It's flown by! It is 8:00 pm here and we are about to start our night activity. Tonight is CrossTalk and would love love love prayer from any parents for hearts of ALL the guys and girls to be softened to the Lord's gentle voice. Joe does an incredible CrossTalk message that He will be doing for his Men at the Cross Tour this year and it is so very powerful. Anyways, would love to call upon you as moms and dads to join me in praying for kids to truly meet their Savior and have life change...

Women of the Bible Study: Tamar / Genesis 38
Verse: Psalm 27:14

Morning: Normal Morning of classes.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of classes.

Night: CROSSTALK. This night is huge in kids' lives. Our deepest desire and why we do this ministry is for kids to see and know TRUTH. We never push or shove it down to anyone, we truly want them to see how much Christ loves them each day they are here. Tonight Joe does a powerful but honest and sweet message of what Christ did and how much He loves each one of them! Moms and dads, please pray...pray for your daughters' hearts to be open to the Lord in their lives to remind them they are worth so much in Christ's eyes as opposed to what the world throws at them every single day. For them to know that their security and hope is in Christ alone and that is where true genuine "happiness" (joy) resides.

I am headed to watch God prayerfully open hearts to His voice...sure am thankful for you all tonight and the role of raising the next godly generation together!

Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /

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