Well, it's July 3rd...do you know what that means?? Tomorrow is July 4th! July 4th is one of my personal favorites (don't worry I already have an outfit for Lulu...actually our precious babysitter got it for her). Anyways, I don't want to ignore today but I am super pumped for tomorrow...but here is today's rundown...
Women of the Bible Study: Rebekah / Genesis 24:12-22
Verse: Philippians 2:3-8
Morning: Normal day of classes. Periods 1-3
Afternoon: Normal afternoon (so far...we have a bit of rain possibly in our radar??).
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Parents, the K2 kampers get to hear from one of the greatest men in the whole world...the greatest man...SHAY ROBBINS!! Woohoo!!! I am obviously a bit biased but he is so great and such a man of the Word. No fluff, no story after story...just God's Word!
There is the day in a nutshell. Cabins 15 and 16 headed out to K-Wet today for a night and I'm srue will have a blast.
Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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