Wow! Is it really August 30th! How did that even happen? I feel like it was just yesterday that Shay and I were moving the family out to K2 on May 10th. Oh, I hope all of you had a great rest of the summer and even now with maybe a few days or weeks of school under your wing that you know more than ever how much God loves you and how He has made you a young woman of influence and leadership no matter what your personality! You are made exactly and wonderfully (Is exactly a word...probably not, oh well)
Well, I don't have a way to mass email you all from home (I'll send out a mass email soon to all 2010 girl kampers) about this little blog. It's strictly a K2 girls blog that is mostly random and pointless but will make you laugh or at least roll your eyes and chuckle a bit (again, chuckle? really?) but there will also be some times when I will post on pop culture, deep heart stuff, and K2 related stuff (like Nasa (our k2 rapper) and Brady Toops (our k2 worship leader) music coming out). Anyways, it's just a fun place to stay connected!
Sure miss the gates of K2! All the Kamp directors are all back in Branson and gearing up for Summer 2011...seriously, already! :)
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
Photo: www.photographycorner.com
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