Hey Kanakuk Term 3/6 Parents and Friends,
Well, my fear has come true...blogging as we run kamp and try to close down kamp for the winter is proving to be a bit difficult. I'm so very sorry! Thank you so much for being understanding as I'm sure you are so anxious to be reunited with your daughter! Soon Moms and Dads, soon! In fact, so soon that I wanted to post specifically on what August 11th and 12th look like for you all.
5:00 pm Parents' Early Luggage Pick Up / Clothing (Store) Open
5:30 pm Picnic for Parents
6:00 pm Girl Kampers come to Picnic: REUNION!
6:45 pm Family Vespers (Joe White speaks to all parents and kampers)
7:30 pm Kamper Recognition (Each cabin does individual cabin time)
8:00 pm Tribal Flag Ceremony (We announce which tribe won the "term")
8:30 pm Awards Ceremony
10:00 pm Finish Awards (You can take your kamper this night or they can stay 1 more night. All we have the morning of the 12th is breakfast for the kampers. Then they say bye so they are missing nothing if they leave August 11th.)
8:30 am Parents' Luggage Pick up
9:00 am Kampers Depart
(So we have a low key morning of the 25th. You can arrive at 8:30 am and get luggage then kampers just eat and leave this morning. We do all "ceremony" stuff the night of 24th)
Window to the K2 World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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