Monday, December 13, 2010

Almost Time for a New...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Planner...I know most of you probably have your whole life calendar in your fancy smancy iPads (I'm not bitter, really!) but I, being just a bit older than you, still trust in my paper, 1960's, pen and pencil, scratched out day-timer. I love them. I keep some appointments in my phone calendar but I just love opening it and writing events and little tidbits of info for my days.

So I'm on the lookout now for my 2011 planner. This one, above, is super cute and I was a Chi Omega so cute cartoon owls are sort of near to my heart (not like in a creepy I'm still a sorority girl way...just in a oh, that's a fun connection to owls that are not normally cute). But I'm not sold...TJ Maxx was my location of choice to purchase my 2010 one last year so we shall see.

Paper? Computer? In your brain? What's your planner of choice?

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins /

photo: / search "2011 calendar"

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