Friday, December 3, 2010

Hope During This Season...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
This December season I again am brought back to the word HOPE. I blogged about it a while back too but during this season of shopping, wish lists, wants, and borderline greed I am reminded of the word HOPE.

As believers, we have a HOPE of a bigger picture to this oh-so-fun holiday. We know it's bigger than any package we could get. We know it's worth is more than all the money in the world. We know it's value is infinite and priceless. We have hope because during this season "a child is born." And this child is a "wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" to each one of us.

Remember today that your wish list and latest gadget is not all as a matter of fact. You have hope in this season that so many don't. Live it, embrace it, and share it...HOPE!

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins /
photo: / seller zinckdesigns / click
HERE to purchase this awesome print

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