I have had some emails asking what I would be doing if I weren't a kanakuk director...so I thought I would answer...
0. Nothing else...I love working for kanakuk!
1. Full time mom to a house full of crazy kids...oh, yeah...check!
2. Blogger extraordinaire...sweet, check 2!
3. Bakery owner...yep, I have a thing for wanting to own a cupcake shop.
4. Princess store owner...weird title but my friend Jane and I have a dream. Details are too weird to share but just think of build-a-bear meets princess dresses for real kids. (this is a patented idea so don't anyone be stealing this and making our millions)
5. katie couric when she was on the today show...
6. Designer...my friends don't laugh.
Okay, you can laugh all you want. They are crazy...but 3 out of 7...that's pretty good!
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
photo: etsy.com / seller: stephaniecorfee / Click HERE to purchase...LOVE THIS!
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