Today (as I finish the garage sale) and now look towards feels like kamp is starting tomorrow! For most of you that brings giggles and smiles...for me AT THIS POINT it brings anxiety of packing up 2 littles and 2 bigs (me and the hubs) and leaving our "comfort" for what is not comfortable (like staying up till 11 pm every night, running around like my body is still 22 and it's NOT, acting cool with teenage girls who think I'm a dweeb...yep, just typed dweeb).
But the great thing about Jesus...he doesn't care about my state of comfortability. I am so thankful. I hate leaving friends, our church 2 year olds we "teach," and So You Think You Can Dance...but it's the GOSPEL. It's living out exactly what God has called me to do. To run around (or try to run while pushing a double jogger up cardiac) and show, preach, speak, live, talk, walk like Jesus in every way. I mess up A TON...but I love it! So anxiety...go away. I have a God given purpose coming my way in less than a month. Rise up!
Be awesome & Love Jesus,
kanakuk ashley robbins
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