I don't put my kids on this blog but once a blue moon (what does that statement even mean? I'm sure my mammaw could tell me)...but since it's just their feet I decided it was okay...
I realize the statement is simple and girly and small...but goodness, I stare at these little feet wrapped in "princess" socks and I just marvel. First I giggle because a certain 3 year old firstborn wanted to wear them for 3 days straight while we were at the places dreams come true. So we let her...but we did not get around her feet and she did have to take them off for a bath...but shooooeeeyy!
Second I marvel because of the simplicity and wisdom in precious little girls' hearts. When did you, me, all of us forget the simplicity of being royal. Royal to a King. Royal to a Maker and Creator of every inch of you. Royal to the role of Princess to the Heavenly Kingdom of our Savior and Majesty Jesus Christ Our King. When do we stop letting ourselves believe we are princesses. Believe me my 2 and 3 year old truly believe they are princesses. They put on sparkly skirts and twirl and they have become Princesses. They walk on their tip toes and they are Princesses. They tell each other what makes them a princess is Jesus in them. They are Princesses. Not the over spoiled, crazy pageant 3 year olds, whiney, and solely based on tiaras kind of princesses...just the kind that even in pajamas on a Saturday morning with the craziest morning hair ever as they fall into their daddy's arms to watch Sofia or Jake (Disney Junior reference) they believe, truly carry the banner, of Princess.
Oh, to be a 3 year old...but why can't we in some sense? Each day you awake with a chance to be the royalty upon which you have been called to if you have given your precious heart to the Maker of it. Each day you can choose, not the newest or shiniest outfit, but the heart of compassion and crown of kindness. Each day you can awake to crazy morning hair and maybe not facial clarity perfection (junior high is rough on the facial hormone chaos), but you can choose to smile and show a loving Father to the girl next to you at your locker. Each day you, sweet friends, can be a PRINCESS to the Heavenly Father and Author of Your Ultimate Love Story with HIM. You can choose to be Royal...if you have some princess socks, well, that just helps.
Be awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins
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