Friday, December 6, 2013

Ponder on Her Ponderings...

{nate barrett / emerald}
Hey K2 Kanakuk Friends,
You really won't get the title unless you know who this picture is...above is Sam Ponder (well, I knew her as Samantha Steele). I interviewied her years ago and she came and was a part of our K2 family for a summer. She was young, passionate about the Lord and have lived a crazy life of getting her foot in the door of ESPN at a young age with no "higher" education. Her story made my jaw drop as far as the doors that she had walked through and the hands she had shaken.

So it's no surprise that Sam is still a big deal in the world of sports that is ESPN but to me she is a big deal b/c of her passion, her unwavering security in Jesus and her authenticity of just being her. I claim in no way to be her best friend but am proud to say I have sat on a swing for a few hours in a summer that I felt blessed to walk beside her for a bit...

I came across this article that I thought was so "Sam." Real. Raw. Not overly spiritual. Just her. Just who Jesus made her. Please take time to read...

Click HERE for the awesome read...

Be awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins

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