Well, July 14...please oh please summer slow down! I know you all are just counting down till you get to see your girls but I am just so sad that Term 2/4 are coming to an end!
Verse: John 8:31: "To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples."
Morning/Afternoon: Normal day with cool weather! I know in Triathlete we have been so thankful for somewhat cool weather! By cool I mean it's been upper 80's but we are loving it!
Night: Pajama Party Night! We have all the girls wear their PJ's (obviously K-rated ones) to the girl movie night. We watched Robots and gave the girls a special treat of popcorn (kettle corn or butter) with some m&m's sprinkled through. We also had a pink party punch that was delicous! (pink lemonade powder, sprite, and cherries! so good!)
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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