Well today has been a great and chaotic day! "Day 2's" of each new term are always a little nuts! We kind of like it that way...I know weird! We had our new gals today do the swim test, take their cabin photos, and get to buy their Kanakuk gear from our store! Hope you all are ready for those bills :) Just kidding! Hopefully they didn't go too crazy! Here is the scoop on the day...
Verse: John 1:12: "Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God."
Morning: The Term 6 gals did stations of the above mentioned stuff and Term 3 gals ran around for periods 1-3 doing cabin unity stuff.
Afternoon: All the girls started their schedule today. We had 4th period cabin unity where the cabins stay together and do something around kamp that is super fun, 5th period was specialties for everyone, and 6th period was their individual schedule that they picked.
Night: Well we thought rain was coming tonight so we changed and decided to do a K2 Talent Show! We had all the kampers audition if they wanted to be in it and then our programs folks put together the agenda for the night. We have 2 hosts...Ryan Seacrest and Bryan Seacrest (his awkward cousin) and of course we have judges...Simon (Will Heydel, K2 leadership guy), Paula (Trish Helsel, K2 Women's Director) and Randy (none other than my husband, Shay Robbins, www.shayrobbins.org). It should be a blast...I'm headed there now!
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
p.s. Goodness, I do promise many snapshots to come...
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