Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Robbins' Weekend in Review...

(the traditional heart on the belly picture...presh!)

Hey Kanakuk Friends,
Well, how was the weekend? I realize it's Tuesday, but I'm not a great Monday blogger. I did want to inform that in these last 10 weeks of preggo-ness a bigger portion of my posts will probably be even more random than before with much about Shay and I embarking on parenthood very soon. I hope no one gets annoyed. I promise to do my best to stay hip & trendy with you teenage girls!

So the weekend was very eventful. We had an 8 hour prepared childbirth class. Girls, do you want to know what I took away from those 8 hours...
1. God made my body ready and able for childbirth.
2. That's why Doctors and nurses are doctors and nurses b/c if something goes wrong they will talk us through it.

It was very educational. I at one point must confess I was playing solitaire on my phone and Shay was on his phone on ESPN.com. Hysterical!

Hope you all had a great weekend. I think some of you are starting to have Homecoming at school. Quick tip: sweet girl, if no one asks you to the dance, it's OKAY. I know it feels like it's not but you will be okay. I never got asked to a dance * Side note: I asked both of my prom dates to prom :(. You will be okay and God is writing your journey...hang in there! Ask a great guy friend or go with some girlfriends! Have a great Tuesday!

Be awesome & Love Jesus,

Some more pics from the weekend:

(This is the B.O.B stroller I got from K2 Term 1 staff girls...THANK YOU GIRLS!) (I washed some of the preemie, newborn, and 0-3 month clothes we have gotten to have some ready for November for Baby Girl Robbins.)(Here is the Pack-n-Play Term 3 K2 staff girls got Shay and I for our newest member! I love it! The print are my fav colors and perfect for girls and boys so we can use for many many years to come!)

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