Today, I am feeling overwhelmed and humbled. My eyes are somewhat heavy, not sure if that is from preggo night time bathroom breaks or from a spirit that is humbled from a day full of God's grace and love. Today the Lord used so many moms, dads, parents, and answering machines to bring joy to my heart. It made me think of the study my friend, Katie, and I are doing with our 7th/8th grade small group. We are doing the book below and it is a week by week study on the names of God. INCREDIBLE! I always tell the girls if they aren't getting stretched, amazed, and humbled by this book...I sure am! Every week!

This past week when I taught it was on Jehovah Jireh which is the name of God that means Provider. Boy oh boy has He made that name of His so very clear this week. He has provided so much in terms of encouragement. He has provided moments of awe of who He is...and by giving me those moments He has used many of YOU! Moms who are prayer warriors and when I hang up the phone I am left simply more humbled and more prayerful alongside them!
It's been an awesome day...even with the heavy eyes! God is so many names (seriously, get the book!) but today I am reminded and in amazement of Him as my Jehovah-Jireh: God Our Provider!

Be awesome & Love Jesus,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
thanks for the book I have been wondering!! i think we might do it with our middle school small group!
Love this Ashley!
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