Well, as some of you know Shay & I got to travel with our good friend Keith Chancey a few weeks ago. It was such a blast and we laughed so hard that at times I thought Shay was going to have to pull over to catch his breath from laughing so hard. During this week out with our friends I also got really challenged about how I sometimes perceive/run K2 girls side. So challenged that it is making me rethink my whole approach...
The summation is this...Kanakuk should never be about a director, Joe White/Trish/me. Kanakuk should never be about this silly blog. Kanakuk should never be about the postcards or emails I try my best to send out. Kanakuk should never be about what we can do for you (that sounds awful typing but hang with me). Kanakuk is & always should be about pointing hearts, hands & feet toward the cross & heart of Jesus. I must admit sometimes in this job I get overwhelmed if I fail & forget one of your precious names or my talks in the summer are the "funniest" ever...why? My job is not for every kamper to want to be me (Lord, help us if that were true) but for every kamper to see Jesus in me which prayerfully will want them to know Jesus not Ashley Robbins. Jesus is way cooler! As I rethink ministry I see moments, sometimes long periods, where I was doing this job for kampers to know me & want to be me, come back to Kamp each year because of me. How silly and prideful! I want you all to come back to K2 because of Jesus, come back for the fellowship of encouragement, come back for the joy that fills your heart that the world steals from you for 340 days of the year, come back to be changed/refined/strengthened/loved by JESUS.
So all that to say it's making me look at ministry differently. It's making me walk each day in freedom that my job is to be hidden in the Holy Spirit and for "kampers/staff" to see Jesus and want to know Jesus...not want to know Ashley. Hello, conviction!
So there's my heart...thinking so much today of you all...I realized yesterday as I talked to a mom that junior high and high school days are so hard for you all now...but remember that the 4 years of high school are fleeting compared to living with our Lord someday! Woohoo!
Be awesome & Love Jesus,
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