Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm basically a Master Chef...

Hey K2 Girls,
Just a little insight to a Kanakuk director's life and marriage and cooking skills. Girls, I am so loving having a home so I can finally learn (or should I say try to learn) how to cook! I made a recipe called Angie's chicken tonight! My friend Bronwyn (from K-West) brought us this chicken after I had Lulu and we loved it! I got the recipe and prayed for the best! Well, Shay loved it and it was truly delicious!!! I even wore my Valentines apron (I know I'm a little early!) while I cooked! I had bread, oil/balsamic dipping sauce, salad with homeade dressing...I mean watch out Rachel Ray!

Crazy Cook,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins


jennaferwhite said...

LOVE THIS :) So proud of your mad cooking abilities!!!! Everything looks DELISH!!! hugs squeezes and smoochies to lulu! :)

Anonymous said...

Ashley, You made the chicken! Way to go girl. Looks like it turned out great. Mmmmm...I love that stuff.
Have a great week on trail. I want to see you soon!

Bronwyn Rapp said...

Ashley, You made the recipe! Way to go girl. I'm sure it was delicious. Can't wait to see you soon. Come back from trail.

Anonymous said...

It looks great! Can you share the recipe with us?