Hey K2 Friends,
Well, Shay and I (and Lulu) have been all over the place. We started last Saturday and headed to Shreveport, LA on Sunday. We have counted up that Lulu has been in like 5 states already...and she is only 8 weeks old. So crazy! We had such a great week out on the Kanakuk Movie Tour. We truly came back to Branson feeling overwhelmingly humbled by the families we got to meet and spend some time with. We got to go to Texarkana, TX/AR for the first time and met the dearest family! I just am continually in awe of the people that choose to open their homes to us (even with a newborn) and their lives to us to become dear friends. Goodness, being a part of the family of Christ is just so dear and authentic! As Nasa (ya know, our resident K2 rapper) would say...and we, PRAISE GOD!
We are headed to KANSAS CITY, TULSA,
OKLAHOMA CITY, & ST. LOUIS this next week!
On a side note I wanted to encourage each of you to SLOW DOWN this year. I actually had another image to upload that said "Slow Down or Die." I couldn't get it uploaded. Anyways, you girls are so very busy. As a 8th grader you are already thinking about ACT's and SAT's. As a sophomore your summers are full of summer school to get ahead. As a senior you have to know your major and have 24 college hours before you step foot on campus. That's just school...not to mention sports, organizations, and even church activities. My friends, I pray you slow down and enjoy relationships in your life so that you can hear the Lord in the gentle whisper of life. (I realize that sounds so cheesy...but serious! :)

Love you guys!!
Be awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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