Here is the official K2 Girls Leadership team for summer 2010. It's going to be awesome!
1. Trish Helsel: K2 Women's Director. She gets 1 picture of a pretty picture as she could fire me if I put any "silly" pics of her. Hehe!!! She is AWESOME! Married and has 3 amazing kiddos that are the bomb.com. Great cook! Yummy! Has amazing hair and nails and loves Nike Shocks.
(*Side note: I have no pictures because I run the blog and there are pics of me at the top header. I love being my own blog president to get all silly pictures of everyone else and none of me. Hehe!)
2. Brooke Roberts: doesn't she look so studious! Graduated Liberty University, Attending Kanakuk Institute now, really good at walking behind Shayla Helsel as a kid sitter.

3. Whitney Turner: volleyballer at King's University, extremely loud voice volume (we love it in her), has an awesome heart for missions/stopping the trafficing of young girls, is tall.

4. Rachel Nobel: St. Louis resident, graduated from Truman State and Kanakuk Institute, loves the K2 Kitchen, likes to take weird pictures with wooden pew in the background, crafter of crafts.

5. Meredith Grooms: K-Life Women's Director in Tulsa, OK, has a {funny blog}, loves music, has a podcast, loves TOMs shoes, very creative doodler, loves her dogs, and has great hair in the morning time.

6. Cynthia "Cyndi" Holley: loves the K2 office, loves to be in skits everyday of her life, has great fashion, helps keep Joe and Shay organized all year round, loves Coffee and mugs, has great cowboy boots.

7. Lauren "LK" Kolter: wife of Jared JK Kolter, mom of a new yorkie (i forget her name), works for Kanakuk Institute year round, scheduler extraordinaire for K2 girls side, she is the sweetest person you will ever meet, has a great recipe for BBQ cups (so yummy).

8. SHE'S NEW: KRISTEN KNOTH: loves blueberry farm, is tall, attends Kansas State University, used to work at Sonic as a carhop, is a transfer from Kanakuk Klassic, class valedictorian, editor-in-chief for award winning yearbook in high school.

Be awesome & love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
agh! i didn't know the new addition was knoth! so fun!
Anderson university? where's that? (I really went to Truman State University). So excited for this summer!!!
rachel...uggg, so sorry! i knew that though! fixed it!
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