Heidi Montag throws a curve at young girls :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Laura Berman: "Perhaps even more troubling than her procedures is Montag's justification for this obviously excessive amount of plastic surgery. Like a lot of children, Montag was teased while growing up, and she says this prompted her to go under the knife, as her so-called imperfections 'held me back from a certain inner light and an inner happiness.' It's as if Montag is broadcasting right into the insecurities of young girls everywhere. And, while men also grapple with body image issues, it is young girls who will examine her newly taut body and decide they don't measure up. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't men who are handing women measuring sticks and asking them to fit into a certain size of jeans. Women do it to each other, and we do it to ourselves. Most men would simply be happy if the woman in their lives was confident and would embrace her curves (or her angles)"
I looked up article after article that made my mind spin as a new mom. I sat in my office in disbelief that it's real. Girls, women, teenagers are actually doing this. The statistics for plastic surgery is sky-rocketing each day. My mind is swirling with thoughts of our precious daughter ever feeling or thinking she isn't good enough. Having thoughts that she isn't beautiful the way El Elohim (Her Creator, your Creator) made her to be! I plead with you to stand and walk in TRUTH. Not the lies of the world. Heidi speaks of being held back from her inner happiness...I am mystified how she can speak of inner happiness by having 10 outer surgeries. I pray my 23 year old daughter someday never seeks inner happiness by changing everything about herself.
I looked up article after article that made my mind spin as a new mom. I sat in my office in disbelief that it's real. Girls, women, teenagers are actually doing this. The statistics for plastic surgery is sky-rocketing each day. My mind is swirling with thoughts of our precious daughter ever feeling or thinking she isn't good enough. Having thoughts that she isn't beautiful the way El Elohim (Her Creator, your Creator) made her to be! I plead with you to stand and walk in TRUTH. Not the lies of the world. Heidi speaks of being held back from her inner happiness...I am mystified how she can speak of inner happiness by having 10 outer surgeries. I pray my 23 year old daughter someday never seeks inner happiness by changing everything about herself.
My heart hurts for Heidi's mom...not that I know her. But I have to wonder if she sits at her home and flips through pictures of her baby...her precious Heidi. The natural, beautiful, pure daughter she had. The innocence is now gone. The purity of life is now tainted and her joyfulness is skewed with seduction with each smile. I just wonder what this mom feels? More than that I wonder if Heidi, when the cameras aren't on, the expensive clothes are off, the professional hair and make up is all removed...what does she see? Does she feel her "inner light and inner happiness" then? I fear she will be left empty. In that moment may she feel and know the hope, love, and tenderness of the precious Lord and Savior!
"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." ~Proverbs 31:30
"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." ~Proverbs 31:30
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
* Side Note: This is obviously an extreme case...this does not apply to plastic surgery that was done for medical purposes/health reasons/birth defects/etc. I apologize for being late in adding this note.
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