I sure hope you guys are having great time at home, vacation, or wherever life has you. We are having a blast at kamp. Today we had a bit of rain but sometimes liquid sunshine is a fun change! Here is the run down:
Women of the Bible Study: Tamar (I think? Again I am off and don't have my book with me...so sorry)
Verse: Psalm 31:24
Morning: Normal Classes. Period 1-3
Afternoon: Liquid Sunshine. We had a fun, crazy and awesome Backwoods (Backwoods is like our girl rally time. Funny skits, songs, cheers, just girl power awesomeness. I truly pray the girls at kamp see great sisters in Christ at K2. Girls back in their world are just tough...dramatic...and sometimes just not nice to each other. At K2 I hope so much that they see Godly friendships of sisters centered on Jesus). So after Backwoods we watched old school Saved by the Bell. This was a show that I LOVED tons when I was growing up and the kampers love it. They cheer for it to be played on rainy days!
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT!! Yes, you are reading correctly! We have K-Life again tonight. We are having the 25Dayers head to the boys gym to hear Jared Kolter, the K2 Assistant Men's Director, and the 13Dayers will get to hear Joe's purity talk that he did the last 2 week terms. We want every term to hear Joe's purity talk.
Thanks parents! We are having such a great term and thanks for entrusting us with your priceless daughters!
Window to the K2 World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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