Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20...

Hey Kanakuk Term 1 & 1B Parents,
Well, finally we are caught up. Again I am just so very sorry. Computers...gee whiz! Okay, so today! It was just an awesome Sunday here at K2. There just aren't better days than Sundays around here. I mean...Joe White speaks, coffee cake, fried chicken, lots of chill time, "Chillax" Sunday Funday (more details below)...I mean that is a GREAT day! Details below:

Women of the Bible Study: No one. Today's Sunday so the girls do their own quiet time.
Verse: See above note.

Morning: Sleep in. Optional breakfast buffet with Coffee cake! Yummy. Church with Joe White doing the "I'm Third" Sunday talk. FCA Huddle Groups: the kampers split with 1 counselor to talk about what Joe's message was about. FOB: "flat on back" like chill time in the cabin, write letters, hang out, etc. They don't literally have to be "flat on back."

Afternoon: Lunch: fried chicken - Yummy! More FOB! Girls love this day! Then at 3:45 we meet in the church for CHILLAX DAY. Chillax day is amazing! The kampers can go to the dock to hang out, get casual boat rides, float out to a dock that serves candy and coke, and just have a blast at the dock. They can also come up to the pool (not by walking but by our big tram thingys...I don't know what these are technically called but they are big and carry people). At the pool they could get fresh fruit or a nice cold slushy of their choice! It was an epic day! Epic = awesome!

Night: It's UC UNIT NIGHT. We have 5 UC's (Unit Coordinators) that are girls that are in charge of 4 cabins. They help the counselors with anything from getting more paper towels, coming to devos to help, or just hanging with the kids in the 4 cabins they have in their unit. They are always gals that have worked before and they are awesome! Anyways, they plan a night for just their unit. It's a blast! Here is what the cabins are doing:
Cabin 1-4: Making letters for military folks / Water Balloon game / Down to the dock for Smores
Cabin 5-8: Karaoke / Cereal party / Games
Cabin 9-12: Making bobby pins with cute buttons / Trail Mix / Games
Cabin 14-16: Making picture frames / Snacks / Games

I am sure you all are anxious to get here in just a few it seriously June 20?? Crazy! I will be posting the detailed closing schedule soon. Can't wait to see all you families!

Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /

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