Well, today has been an awesome day! Good sun, great kampers, and awesome day! I honestly was telling our staff today..."Can you believe it is June 21st?" How did that happen so very quickly. I am sure for you, as moms, dads and grandparents it's felt like the longest 21 days thus far without your fun family all together...but that ends soon, like in 3 days! Crazy! Here is the day for you:
Women of the Bible Study: Jezebel / (I currently have misplaced my book?)
Verse: See above...blonde moment (more like blonde life for me most of the time..haha!)
Morning: Normal Classes this morning. Gorgeous day!
Afternoon: Normal Classes. We did have swim competition which is between Kickapoos vs. Kiowas! The girls sign up (cabins 1-12 do swim competition) for different events. So fun! This was during 4th period.
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Wooohoo!!! Again, I honestly cannot tell you how much kampers love K-Life...like love it! Tonight Dr. Joe White will be speaking and the title of his message is "Blindside." I am not totally sure of the topic...maybe using the movie as a message, talking about protecting the house analogy, or having a left tackle that protects your blindside...lots of metaphors in my ideas of what "Blindside" could mean. :)
Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins /ashley@kanakuk.com
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