Hey Term 1 2010 K2 Parents,
I am hoping you got my email introducing myself and letting you know about Kanakuk Ashley. Basically this is just a small snapshot so that each day you get to know in REAL TIME (Lampe Postal service is pretty slow) what is going on each day with your daughters. I keep it really simple and short and can't overwhelm my schedule with trying to get a picture of every kamper on this blog or of every little activity. I more along the lines give you a big picture into the daily runnings of K2. I really hope you like it and can join me in praying each day for your daughter as she prayerfully gets encouraged, makes friends, and grows closer to Jesus.
Each day I will have a number at the top. The number correlates with the "date." I will then have the daily verse, devo topic (this year we are doing Women of the Bible), morning activity, afternoon activity, and night time activity. The following day I will post pictures from the previous day's activities and post on that day same as above. (Hope that makes sense ;)!
So check back each day and please comment or email me if I can do anything for you and your family. Thanks and we can't wait for you to start driving into these gates...TODAY! Woohoo!
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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