Well, I just cannot believe July 17th is here...crazy!!! Here is the scoop and I'll post after this the closing ceremony details.
Women of the Bible Study: Deborah / Judges 4-5
Verse: Psalm 20:7
Morning: We had 2 hours of specialties this morning and 1 hour of tribal competition. Each gal signs up with their tribe to do a competition (swim, basketball, volleyball, soccer, girls football) because tomorrow we will have all the competitions going on and it will be for tribal points to determine if Kickapoo or Kiowa win the term.
Afternoon: We had our PENTATHLON and it was epic! I love Pentathlon day and totally cry (non-pregnancy related) every time. There is just something about all the kampers rallying and coming together as a cabin. Not every cabin every term is all best friends but on this day they come together and no matter how fast or not so fast you run, jump rope, or canoe, every gal rallies and is a part of the team! It's awesome!
Night: FINAL CAMPFIRE. Dr. Joe White gives his last charge to kampers before heading home about walking faithfully with Jesus each day! We also announce the 5 princess and chief nominations. We will announce the winner at the Awards ceremony on the 18th.
Window to the K2 World,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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