The Robbins' team has some time off from kamp but I am blogging "ahead" of the day...that's a first to actually be ahead! Ha! Anyways, so I am going to blog what is supposed to happen but if rain comes or other changes...well, I won't know any of that b/c we won't be here! So here is the run down of what is supposed to happen today...(and tomorrow's post is the same intro)
Women of the Bible Study: Tamar / Genesis 38
Verse: Psalm 27:14
Morning: Normal Morning of classes.
Afternoon: Normal afternoon of classes.
Night: CROSSTALK. Oh, parents, this is just an awesome night. Dr. Joe White does a crosstalk that is just amazing. Crosstalk is a night we bring the gospel presentation. Joe does a great job of first quoting God's Word from Matthew, then we all come to the girls gym for the gospel presentation that Joe does. It's raw but I love how Joe in the end comes out to wrap it up and shares that this was just a dinky drama...nothing compared to Jesus' life and death. He talks about how much Jesus loves each one of them and wants their WHOLE heart to be His. I know that our team will be praying for softened hearts of girls that don't know the love of Jesus and also for gals that have just had a tough year where the worth of who they are has been saturated by the world's voices not by the Lord's. Would you pray with me for tonight that hearts would be soft to know of how priceless they are to the Lord and that life change happens when we turn and follow Jesus? Thanks so much...
Window to the K2 World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
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