Goodness...last post was September 23...oh my, oh my...please forgive girls and any other random readers who just wait for the email/facebook reminder of a new posting on KanakukAshley. I'm sure there are thousands of you...I'm sure.
Well, I have been very focused on writing our staff from the summer and it has swayed my focus of daily blogging on here. Thanks for your understanding and forgiveness...
Some of you might be wondering why a picture of a wabble toy, little cute duck, and penguins? Well, to that I simply say..."Welcome to my World of Waddling." Girls, it's a riot! I mean I have this teeny tiny nerve deal, official term being my siadic nerve (could be spelled ciadic or any other variation), and I'm under the 2 month away from baby due date. Girls, I'm a waddler. I embrace and giggle about this fact quite often. Our firstborn chick loves that I'm pregnant as she has a seat to be on when I'm holding her and she doesn't mind the waddle as she has more time to linger in my arms (which I don't mind either). So all waddlers unite...which that by the way should be NONE of you, prayerfully! (unless you have a bad knee, hip, or nerve...that waddling would be okay). Anyways, waddlers unite and let's hold our hips wide as we waddle, waddle, waddle away.
Well, random post #453...embrace waddling and embrace random blog posts!
Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

Kanakuk Ashley Robbins / ashley@kanakuk.com
Photo: google.com / search "pregnancy waddle"
1 comment:
Have no fear Ashley, all previous waddlers love it when we get new members in the group. When I was preggo's with my last baby birdie, I got asked if I was "really close." I told the kind woman, that "no I still had about a month to go." She looked so astonished that the question "Twins?" just fell out of her mouth. I laughed and said, "Nope, just a single big boy!" He was born two weeks early and weighed 8 lbs. 14.5 oz.
Gotta love the waddle!
(Mom to K2 girl, Libby!)
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